Chapter One Discovery of the New World and Settlements
of America ( 1492-1765 )
The Exploration of Dias, Columbus and Cabot
The Exploration of Magellan and Drake
The Virginia Settlement
The New England Settlement
The Maryland Settlement
The Pennsylvania Settlement
Chapter Two The American Revolution and the American
Constitution ( 1765 -1787)
The Stamp Act Leading to the American Revolution
The Quartering Act Leading to the American Revolution
The Tea Act Leading to the American Revolution
The Birth of the Declaration of Independence
About George Washington
The Articles of Confederation
The American Constitution
Chapter Three The Beginning of the Newly-born Republic
George Washington's Administration
John Adam's Administration
Jefferson's Administration
Madison's Administration
James Monroe's Administration
Andrew Jackson's Administration
Expansion of Tyler and Polk
Chapter Four Slavery Issues and the Civil War(IS49-1865)
Taylor's Short Administration and the Compromise of 1850
The Fighting between Lincoln and Douglas
The Confederate States of America
The American Civil War
Lincoln Being Assassinated
Chapter Five ~ Gradual Progress to a Gilded Age
( 1865 -1897 )
Seward Pressurizing France to Leave Mexico
Canadian Confederation Achieving its Dominion Status
Andrew Johnson's Treating of Southern Traitors and Blacks
Troubles in Grant's Administration
The 1876 Brilliances
Great Changes by Railroad
The Short-term Administration of Garfield and Arthur
Cleveland's Running for Presidency and Great Changes in
his Administration
American Indians' Terrible Situation
TR's Experiences in the West
President Harrison and the Three Acts
Cleveland's Dilemma and McKinley Coming into the
Presidential Office
Chapter Six America at the Turn of Centuries and in World
War I (1897-1921)
Conflicts between the U S and Spain in Cuba
Great Tests for Roosevelt
Roosevelt's Second-term Service
Great Changes and Disasters in Taft's Administration
Wilson's Reforms and his Attitude toward Blacks
The Trouble of the World -- Kaiser Wilhelm I1
America's Neutrality
America in the War and the Allies' Victory
The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles
Chapter Seven America in Boom and Crisis and the New
Deal (1921-1939)
Harlem Renaissance
Coolidge and Prohibition
Margaret Sange and Henry Ford
The Kellogg-Briand Pact and Hoover's Election Platform
The Great Depression
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal ~
Hitler's War Preparation and Chamberlain's Appeasement
America's Rebuilding in the Thirties
Chapter Eight America and the Second Warld War
( 1939-1945 )
Lightning War on Poland
The Great Collapse of the Allied Army and Dunkirk
The Contest between Britain and Germany
America's War Policy and Germany Invading Russia
Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor and America's Setbacks
The World at War and Americans Striking back
The Second Front Opening and Auschwitz Tragedy
The Final Victory of the Democracy
Supplementary Reading
1 Mayflower Compact
2 The Declaration of Independence
3 The Gettysburg Address
4 George Washington
5 American Character
6 How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience
7 The Right to Bear Arms
8 Native Americans and Hispanics
9 Marilyn Monroe: Sex-goddess Image
10 Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King
Appendix : American Presidents