对于塞缪尔·贝克特(1906-1989)这个名字,中国读者并不陌生。无论是否读过他的作品,很多人或许都知道他是荒诞派戏剧的代表性剧作家。复旦大学出版社出本的这本《The Art of Scarcity(A Narratological Study of Samuel Beckett's Prose Trilogy)》(作者Liang Fang)对国内贝克特研究起到了很好的促进作用。
Chapter 1 Scarcity of Setting
Ⅰ. Setting Reduced to Senses in Molloy
Ⅱ. Setting Confined to Within in Malone Dies
Ⅲ. Setting Abstracted to Words in The Unnamable
Ⅳ. Summary of the Chapter
Chapter 2 Scarcity of Plot
Ⅰ. Absence of Causality in Molloy
Ⅱ. Lack of Closure in Malone Dies
Ⅲ. Dissolution of Boundaries in The Unnamable
Ⅳ. Summary of the Chapter
Chapter 3 Scarcity of Character
Ⅰ. Incommunicative Characters in Molloy
Ⅱ. Underdeveloped Characters in Malone Dies
Ⅲ. Absent Characters in The Unnamable
Ⅳ. Summary of the Chapter
Appendix Briefing Monographs on Beckett Studies