《京藏剧--文成公主》内容介绍:With absolute resolve, I lift the anchor;Raising the sails, I'm ready for the journey afar,Weaving machines, classics of the Buddha and medicine,All waiting quietly to leave the capital city of Chang'an.I have no fear of the long and treacherous road,No fear of the desolate deserts and bitter cold.To look for a great man, look no further than the Era of Zhenguan,To travel afar on the same Silk Road, I'm today's Zhang Qian.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Prototype ofthe Drama-6
1.The story of Princess Wencheng-7
2.Reforms following the marriage-11
3.Marriage between Han and other ethnic groups:a historical debate-20
4.Case study of the lives of the Han princesses-33
Chapter III
Theatrical Performance-58
1.Tibetan opera-58
2.Critiques of the drama-71
3.Theatrica DerformanCe of tradltiona betan arid
other regional operas-99
Script ofthe Drama-107
5eijing Opera ABC-179
Tibetan Opera ABC-230
Works Consuhed and Cited-260