《京剧--廉吏于成龙》内容介绍:My virtuous good wife, you work hard to take care of kids alone,And help me look after my parents.I am ashamed, guilty, and regretful that I didn't share the duty with you.I, Yu Chenglong, owe you one hundred years!
Chapter I
Origins and Contexts
1. Origin of the drama
2. Outline of the story
3. Main characters and their
personalities in the drama
4. Historical accounts of
Yu Chenglon
5. Introduction of Shang Changrong and
Guan Dongtian, leading actors in the drama
Chapter II
Influence of the Story
1. Novel Yu Chenglong, Man of Justice
2. The Jin opera Honorable Official
Yu Chenglong
3. The movie Honorable Official Yu Chenglong
4. The TV series Yu Chenglong, an Honorable
Official of the Era
Chapter III
Theatrical Performances of the Drama.
1. Performing artists playing a supporting
role in the drama.
2. Playwrights
3. Composers
4. Categories of roles
5. Melody and opera singing design
6. Facial makeup
7. Costumes
8. Stage properties
Play Script of the Opera
Beijing Opera ABC
Works Consulted and Cited