《生物燃料(可再生能源农业生产和技术进步对全球的影响影印版)》(作者托姆斯、P.Lakshmanan、D.Songstad)内各章内容最初在2009年发表于医学期In Witro Cellular and DevetopmentalBiology-Plant,共15篇文章,其中每个主题以其出色的科学成就和独特的全球视角,获得了专家的认可。
1 Historical Perspective of Biofuels:
Learning from the Past to Rediscover the Future
David Songstad, Prakash Lakshmanan, John Chen,
William Gibbons, Stephen Hughes, and R. Nelson
2 The DOE BioEnergy Science Center-A U.S.
Department of Energy Bioenergys Research Center
Russ Miller and Martin Keller
3 Drivers Leading to Higher Food Prices:
Biofuels are not the Main Factor
Paul Arrnah, Aaron Archer, and Gregory C. Phillips
4 The Economics of Current and Future Biofuels
Ling Tao and Andy Aden
5 A Multiple Species Approach to Biomass Production
from Native Herbaceous Perennial Feedstocks
J.L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, G. Sarath, J.M. Stein,
V. Owens, K. Gedye, and A. Boe
6 Development and Status of Dedicated Energy
Crops in the United States
Russell W. Jessup
7 Genetic Improvement of C4 Grasses as Cellulosic
Biofuel Feedstocks
Katrin Jakob, Fasong Zhou, and Andrew H. Paterson
8 Short-Rotation Woody Crops for Bioenergy
and Biofuels Applications
Maud Hinchee, William Rottmann, Lauren Mullinax,
Chunsheng Zhang, Shujun Chang, Michael Cunningham,
Leslie Pearson, and Narender Nehra
9 The Brazilian Experience of Sugarcane Ethanol Industry
Sizuo Matsuoka, Jesus Ferro, and Paulo Arruda
10 Biofuels: Opportunities and Challenges in India
Mambully Chandrasekharan Gopinathan and Rajasekaran Sudhakaran
11 Biofuels in China: Opportunities and Challenges
Feng Wang, Xue-Rong Xing, and Chun-Zhao Liu
12 Genetic Modification of Lignin Biosynthesis
for Improved Biofuel Production
Hiroshi Hisano, Rangaraj Nandakumar, and Zeng-Yu Wang
13 Commercial Cellulosic Ethanol:
The Role of Plant-Expressed Enzymes
Manuel B. Sainz
14 Integrated Biorefineries with Engineered Microbes
and High-value Co-products for Profitable
Biofuels Production
W. R. Gibbons and S. R. Hughes
15 Biodiesel Production, Properties, and Feedstocks
Bryan R. Moser