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书名 | 中国古今民歌选译 |
分类 | 文学艺术-艺术-音乐舞蹈 |
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出版社 | 商务印书馆 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 王宏印选译的《中国古今民歌选译》精选了约百首中国古今民歌,并进行翻译,意在对外推介我国民歌这一优秀而古老的文学形式。书中精选的民歌按照不同的类别分为散曲、牌曲,组曲和集曲四类,从内容上涵盖劳动歌、爱情诗、仪式歌、时政歌等,从地域上基本覆盖了整个中国。所选民歌每一首基本都是该类别的代表之作。 内容推荐 《中国古今民歌选译》是作者王宏印对中国古今民歌进行梳理而成的汉英对照精选本,其英文翻译尽量保留各地的民俗和民间思维形态,并照顾民众日常口语的特点,加以适当的转换,使其复活在现代英语的诗歌形态里。希望这种尝试有助于中国文化的对外传播以及中国诗歌与世界诗歌的沟通。 目录 第一辑 UNITONE 弹歌Cut the Bamboo 伊耆氏蜡辞A Prayer 爻辞(婚媾)Linear Symbols:Marriage by Capture 击壤歌The Song of Beating the Ground 哩哩歌Lili Song 牛山歌Song of Cow 越人歌Song from Yue 长城歌The Great Wall 北方有佳人Beauty from the North 城中谣In the Capital 五噫歌Five-alas Song 青青河畔草The Green Grasses Grow by the Riverside 涉江采芙蓉Across the River for Lotus 上邪Oh,by Heaven! 有所思The One I Love 怨歌行A Silk Fan 长歌行The Sunflowers 枯鱼过河泣The Fish's Lesson 读曲歌(打杀长鸣鸡)Kill the Rooster that Crows at Dawn 长干曲(逆浪故相邀)Changgan Song 敕勒歌Chile River Song 绵州巴歌Song of the Wateflail 挽舟者歌Woe to the Boatman 赤日炎炎似火烧The Blazing Sun Bakes the Field 奉使来谣Song of Envov 至正丙申松江民谣A Military Design 凤阳花鼓Fengyang Flower-drum Dance 京师人为严嵩语What the People in the Capital Say 这般心事有谁知Could My Wordless Work Be Seen? 望月Watching the Moon 从那东山顶上From the East Hill 壮歌(奈何桥上等三年)Wait 0n the Nether Bridge 徭歌(邓娘同行江边路)Walk a10ng the River Bank 东边唱歌隔山传I Sing on the East Side 哪个管得唱歌人 Whoever Can Rule over the Singer? 世上官多不太平Too Manv Officials Corrupt the State 望郎来Looking out for the Boyfriend 妓女悲秋A Miserable Prostitute 不见哥哥回家中My Army Man Is Not Back Home 嘎达梅林Gadameilin 月儿渐渐高The Moon Rises 纺线Spinning Thread 鸿雁Wild Geese 想你I Think of You 第二辑 UNIT TWO 望江南(莫攀我)Willow by the Qujiang Lake 望江南(天上月)The Silvery Moon in the skv 菩萨蛮(枕前)Swear for Love 生查子(三尺龙泉剑)A Three-foot-long Sword 寄生草(濛淞雨儿)Love Is More worthv than Gold 寄生草(情人送奴一把扇)A Fan from My Lover 挂枝儿(荷珠)A Dewdrop on a Lotus Leaf 劈破玉(分离)Broken Jade: Separafton 驻云飞(富贵荣华)“Of Gold and Silver Value You Are” 银纽丝(华山)The Huashan Mountain 马头调(不认的粮船)A Tax Grain Boat 带耙马头调(鸦片烟儿)Horse Song the Opium 第三辑 UNIT THREE 子夜歌(三首) Three Songs of Miss Ziye 子夜四时歌(四首) Four Midnight Songs of the Seasons 华山畿(五首) Five Songs of Huashan ji 采桑度(二首) Two Songs of Mulberry Leaves 那呵滩(对歌) Riverside Songs: A Dialogue 陇头歌辞(二首) Two Mount Lung Songs 折杨柳歌辞(三首) Three Songs of Willow Twigs 吴歌(四首) Four Folk Songs from Suzhou and Hangzhou 粤歌(二首) Two Folk Songs from Guangdong 畲族情歌(二首) Two Love Songs by the She People 第四辑 UNIT FOUR 昆明儿歌(二首) Two Children's Songs from Kunming 斗虫虫Crickets Fighting 飞鱼Flying Fish 五句子歌(四首) Fours Songs from the Five—lined Stanza 梳子Comb 郎在高山唱一声You Sing Loud on the Hilltop 高高山上一丘田A Field Lies in the High Mountain 竹夹一打闹洋洋Bamboo Clappers 河湟花儿(二首) Two Flowering Songs from Hehuang 核桃树开花是人没有见A Walnut Tree in Bloom 青石头根里的药水泉Hot Spring Water 吉林民歌(二首) Two Folk Songs from Jilin 大风天Tough Wind 扎针歌Song of the Needle Work 《挂枝儿》(四首) Four Songs from The Hanging Twigs 错认A Mistake 风雨Wind and Rain 佳期Wedding Night 泥人A Clay Figurine 《霓裳续谱》(五首) Five Songs from The Rainbow-dress Songs 玉美人儿娇模样Jade Lady,Pretty Lady 人儿人儿今何在Where Are You? 我想你你不信I Think of You,Don't You Know? 喜只喜今宵夜Joyful Is Tonight 莫不是……Isn't It...? 《白雪遗音》(三首) Three Songs from The Sound ofSnow 我今去了I'm Leaving Now 手拉手Hand in Hand 诗经注Notes to The Book ofOdes 主要参考书目 |
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