在斯蒂芬斯的众多作品中,《女佣的女儿》是他的重要代表作之一。《女佣的女儿》于1912年首次出版,该书出版一百多年来被译为世界上多种文字,影响深远,享誉世界。早在20世纪20年代,该小说由著名诗人徐志摩和民国才女沈性仁共同翻译引入中国, 《女佣的女儿(中文导读英文版)》编著者詹姆斯·斯蒂芬斯。
There were so many people whom she knew bysight; almost daily she saw these somewhere, and sheoften followed them for a short distance, with afeeling of friendship; for the loneliness of the longday often drew down upon her like a weight, so thateven the distant companionship of these rememberedfaces that did not know her was comforting. Shewished she could find out who some of them were.--There was a tall man with a sweeping brown beard,whose heavy overcoat looked as though it had beenput on with a shovel; he wore spectacles, and his eyeswere blue, and always seemed as if they were goingto laugh; he, also, looked into the shops as he went along, and he seemed to know everybody. Every fewpaces people would halt and shake his hand, but thesepeople never spoke, because the big man with thebrown beard would instantly burst into a fury ofspeech which had no intervals; and when there wasno one with him at all he would talk to himself. Onthese occasions he did not see any one, and peoplehad to jump out of his way while he strode onwardsswinging his big head from one side to the other, andwith his eyes fixed on some place a great distanceaway. Once or twice, in passing, she heard himsinging to himself the most lugubrious song in theworld. There was another--a long, thin, blackman--who looked young and was always smilingsecretly to himself; his lips were never still for amoment, and, passing Mary Makebelieve a few times,she heard him buzzing like a great bee. He did notstop to shake hands with any one, and although manypeople saluted him he took no heed, but strode on,smiling his secret smile and buzzing serenely. Therewas a third man whom she often noticed: his clothingseemed as if it had been put on him a long time agoand had never been taken off again. He had a long,pale face, with a dark moustache drooping over amost beautiful mouth. His eyes were very big andlazy, and did not look quite human; they had a trickof looking sidewards—a most intimate, personal look.Sometimes he saw nothing in the world but thepavement, and at other times he saw everything. Helooked at Mary Makebelieve once, and she got afright; she had a queer idea that she had known himwell hundreds of years before, and that he remembered her also. She was afraid of that man, butshe liked him because he looked so gentle andso---there was something else he looked which as yetshe could not put a name to, but which her ancestryremembered dimly. There was a short, fair,pale-faced man, who looked like the tiredest man inthe world. He was often preoccupied, but not in thesingular way the others were. He seemed to bealways chewing the cud of remembrance, and lookedat people as if they reminded him of other peoplewho were dead a long time and whom he thought ofbut did not regret. He was a detached man even in acrowd, and carded with him a cold atmosphere, evenhis smile was bleak and aloof.
詹姆斯·斯蒂芬斯(James Stephens,1882—1950),爱尔兰著名小说家、诗人。