As a companion to “Love Letters of Great Men”, this collection gives the other side of the story: the secret hopes and lives of some of the greatest women in history, from writers and artists to politicians and queens. It includes letters by: Anne Boleyn, Edith Wharton, Mary Wordsworth, Nell Gwyn (mistress of Charles II), Queen Victoria, the Empress Josephine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Katherine Mansfield, and, George Sand.
From the private papers of Anne Boleyn and Emily Dickinson to those of Empress JosEphine and Queen Victoria, Love Letters of Great Women is an anthology of some of the most romantic letters in history.
Some are full of longing and passion; some seem astonishingly contemporary in their outlook; others demonstrate how affairs of the heart could irrevocably alter the course of a woman's whole life, as witnessed by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's anguished cry to her beloved before their elopement in 1712:'I tremble for what we are doing. Are you sure you will love me for ever? I fear, and I hope.'
A perfect companion to the bestselling Love Letters of Great Men, this collection gives us the other side of the story: the secret desires of some of the greatest women in history, from writers and artists to actresses and queens.The love written here comes in many forms - deluded, erotic, fervent, bold - but love it is, and a legacy to cherish.
Lady Joan Pelham to Sir John Pelham
Margery Brews (Paston) to Sir John Paston
Katherine of Aragon to Henry VIII
Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII
Dorothy Osborne (Temple) to Sir William Temple
Nell Gwyn to Lawrence Hyde (later Earl of Rochester)
Lady Mary Pierrepont (Lady Mary Wortley Montagu) to Edward Wortley Montagu
Abigail Smith (Adams) toJohn Adams
Manon Jeanne Philipon (Madame Roland) to Leonard Buzot
Maria Smythe (Mrs Fitzherbert) to the Prince Regent
Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay
Mary Wollstonecraft to William Godwin
Marie-Josephe-Rose Tascher de la Pagerie (Empress Josephine) to Napoleon Bonaparte
Mary Hutchinson (Wordsworth) to William Wordsworth
Maria Branwell (Bronte) to the Rev. Patrick Bronte
Maria Bicknell (Constable) to John Constable
Claire Clairmont to Lord Byron
Jane Welsh (garBle) to Thomas gartyle
George Sand to Alfred de Musset
George Sand to Pietro Pagello
Clara Wieck (Schumann) to Robert Schumann
Queen Victoria to Prince Albert
Queen Victoria to the King of the Belgians
Emily Dickinson to Susan Gilbert (Dickinson)
Isabella Mayson (Mrs Beeton) to Sam Beeton
Mary Wyndham (Lady Elcho) to Arthur Balfour
Edith NewboldJones (Wharton) to W. Morton Fullerton
Rosa Luxemburg to Leo Jogiches
Empress Alexandra of Russia to Tsar Nicholas II
Katherine Mansfield to John Middleton Murry
Katherine Mansfield to Princess Bibesco(nee Elizabeth Asquith)
Letters from the Great War
A Note on the Type