Part One Summary of the Second National Agricultural Census
1. Census Coverage and Objects
2. Condition and Activities of Agriculture Sector
3. Rural Infrastructure and Basic Social Service
4. Living Condition of Rural Residents
5. Rural Labour and Employment
6. Arable Land
Part Two Census Coverage and Objects
Part Three Condition and Activities of Agriculture Sector
Section A Number of Agricultural Holdings and Agricultural Labour
Section B Condition of Agriculture Sector
Section C Sown Area of Farm Crops and Number of Livestocks at the End of 2006
Section D Statistics on Agricultural Impersonal Entities
Part Four Rural Infrastructure and Basic Social Service
Section A Towns and Townships Infrastructure and Basic Social Service
Section B Village Infrastructure and Basic Social Service
Part Five Living Conditions of Rural Residents
Part Six Rural Labour and Employment
Section A Number of Labour or Employed Labour Permanently Residing in Rural Area
Section B Number of Labour or Employed Labour with Register Identification in Rural Household
Part Seven Comparison on the Census Results of 2006 with I996
Section A The Basic Statistics on Rural Area in 1996 and 2006
Section B The Basic Statistics on Agriculture in 1996 and 2006
Part Eight Methodology of the Second National Agricultural Census
1. Introduction to the Census Methodology
2. Questionnaire of the Census
3. Explanatory Notes on the Major Items of Questionnaires
4. Explanatory Notes on the Major Indicators of the Consofidated Tables