This book is specifically written for foreigners who live, study and work in China.The course contains the most used vocabulary, sentence patterns and situations, from shopping, eating and transportation to job interviews and making friends. It helps you to master daily conversational Chinese as fast as possible, and makes your life in China easy and fun.
第一课Lesson 1 你好Nice to Meet You
第二课Lesson 2 你家有几口人How Many People Are There in Your FamiIy?
第三课Lesson 3 你的生日是几月几日When Is Your Birthday?
第四课Lesson 4 商店在哪儿Where Is the Store?
第五课Lesson 5 你要买什么What Would You Like to Buy?
第六课Lesson 6 你要叫出租车吗Do You Need a Taxi?
第七课Lesson 7 你要点菜吗Would You Like to Order Dishes?
第八课Lesson 8 你要订机票吗Do You Want to Book an Air Ticket9
期中复习(第一课~第八课)Mid—term Revision(Lesson 1~Lesson 8)
期中考试(第一课~第八课)MIcd-term Test(Lesson 1~Lesson 8)
第九课Lesson 9 填入境表Filling in the Entry Form
第十课Lesson 10 租房子Renting an Apartment
第十一课Lesson 11 在邮局At the Post Office
第十二课Lesson 12 在银行At the Bank
第十三课Lesson 13 看医生Seeing a Doctor
第十四课Lesson 14 看牙医Seeing a Dentist
第十五课Lesson 15 我要找工作I Need a Job
第十六课Lesson 16 修理房子Fixing the Room
期末复习(第十课一第十六课)Final-term Revision(Lesson 10~Lesson 16)
期末考试(第十课一第十六课)Final-term Test(Lesson 10~Lesson 16)