International Symposium on " Development of Poverty-stricken Areas and Construction of Harmonious Society", hosted by the Research Centre of Economic Development in the Underdeveloped Areas, Guizhou Institute of Finance and Economice(GIFE), the Consortium for Western China Development Studies, the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, Unite Nations Development Pregramme (UNDP), the World Bank, GTZ, anti-poverty center in western China and the Chinese Economists Society (CES), took place in July 2007 in Guiyang, Guizhou Province.
Objective Basis of Transformation from Rural Credit Cooperative to Cooperative Bank
Charaeteristcs of Stock Index Futures and Their Influences and Functions on Individual Investors
Analysis on the Actual Relocation Cost of the Power Price of "Delivering the Power from the West to East" of Guizhou
A Study on the Differences of Poor Peasant Households
Promoting and Perfecting the Establishment of a Long-effective Mechanism for Building the New Socialist Countryside
On the Weakening Reason of the Unilineal Caring for the Aged in Developing Areas
Analysis on the Foreign Penertration into Chinese Banking Market
Analysis on the Poverty-Resulting Factors in Western Underdeveloped Rural
Areas--Based on the Comparison Between the Intergeneration Transmission of Poverty and Poverty Trap
International Outsourcing as a Superior Chance for Guizhou's Economic Leaping Development
Research on the Scientific and Technological Reform for Prompting Farmers' Sustainable Income Growth in Western China
Correction of Regional Interests and the Western Anti-Poverty
Promoting the Economic Development in Ethnic Areas for the Construction of Harmonious Society
Analysis on Chinese Poverty-Alleviation Work in Rural Areas--Taking Guizhou as an Example
Issue and Countermeasures on the Game of Land Property in the Western Hydroelectric Development Reservoir Areas
Changes of Land Use and Conflict Solution in Caohai
A Study on the GZOTC Growth
Investigation and Analysis on Renounced the Second Childbirth Inside Policy of
Chinese Rural--Taking LiPing County in Guizhou as an Example
Human Resources Management and the Measures Concerned
Brief Analysis on the Mining Companies' Corporate Social Responsibility in Western
Research on Evaluation of Tourist Industry Competitiveness in Less Developed
The Functions of Non-Government Organizations in Helping the Poor
Improving the Mechanism of Social Assistance to Relieve the Poverty of Western China
Pondering on the Information Poverty Alleviation in West China
Improving the Employability of Famers of Western China to Solve the Problem of Poverty
The Intergration Policy System of Urban and Rural Areas in the Perspective of Poverty alleviative in West China
Anti-Poverty--Establishing Social Security in Chinese Western Rural Areas
A New Study on the Poverty Problem of Western China
Encouraging Famers of Western China to do Pioneering Work to Boost the Anti-Poverty Cause