"Architecture and gardens are a microcosm of society and a symbol of nationality.However, they certainly do not belong to one nationality, but are the crystallization of thewhole of mankind." Moreover, architecture implies people's respect for nature and thepursuit of human beings for the ideal home. Rooted in culture, it constantly changes withthe times, the same as life and people. Chinese architect, Zhang Qinnan said that, "It isessential for architecture to reflect life; however, it can not depart from its cultural roots."Architecture always features a distinct national and regional flavor.
Chapter Ⅰ General Survey of Architecture of Chinese Ethnic Minority Groups
Ⅰ.Architecture and Construction of Ethnic Minorities
Ⅱ.Eco-environment and Constructions of Ethnic Minorities
Ⅲ.Folk Culture and Architecture of Ethnic Minorities
Chapter Ⅱ Dwelling Styles of Ethnic Minorities
Ⅰ.Courtyard Style Dwelling
Ⅱ.Tuzhangfang and Stone Construction
Ⅲ.The Yurt-Style House
Ⅳ.Fence-style Dwelling
Ⅳ.Large House
Chapter Ⅲ Religious Architecture of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Ⅰ.Islamic Architecture
Ⅱ.Buddhist Architecture
Ⅲ.Architecture of Ancestral Temples
Chapter Ⅳ Public Architectures of Ethnic MinoritY Groups
Ⅰ.Drum Building and Roofed Bridge of the Dong Ethnic Group
Ⅱ.Overhead Cable and Rattan Bridge
Ⅲ.Public House Bower Well House Stage
ChapterⅤ Blending of Architectural Art of Each Ethnic Group