Aaron's rod:Aaron's serpent制胜法宝
A tree is known by its fruit观其行而知其人
A beam/plank in one's own eye自己身上的严重缺点
A bird that wanders from its nest离巢之鸟;离开家乡的游子
A donkey does not bray when it has grass有怨才鸣
A nv in the ointment美中不足;使人扫兴的小事
A dog returns to his own vomit重犯过错;旧病复发
A living dog is better than a dead lion好死不如赖活
A little bird told me有人(私下)告诉我
A land flowing with milk and honey富饶之地;鱼米之乡
A leopard won't change its spots本性难移
A prophet is not without honor except in his own country墙内开花墙外香
A righteous man may fall seven times英雄多磨难;屡败屡战
A ring ofgold in a swine's snout鲜花插在牛粪上
A rod forthe fool's back对愚行的惩罚
A soft answer tums away wrath婉言可以息怒
A widow's cruse/jar聚宝盆;取之不尽,用之不竭
A wise son makes a glad father儿女聪明,父母宽心
Absalom's hair俊美有时反而成了致命伤
After one's own heart称心如意;正中下怀
All things to all men八面玲珑
All is vanity一切皆空
A11 who take the sword will perish by the sword凡动刀的,必死于刀下
A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity朋友每时常亲爱,兄弟为患难而生
A good man's words are a fountain of life,but a wicked man's words hide a violent nature君子成人之美,小人背后行恶
A good name is better than riches好名声胜过金钱
A grain of wheat星星之火,可以燎原