Preface to the Second Edition
1. Introduction
2. The Supersymmetry Algebra
3. Alternative Approaches to the Supersymmetry Algebra
4. Immediate Consequences of the Supersymmetry Algebra
5. The Wess-Zumino Model
6. N = 1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theory: Super QED
7. N = 1 Yang-Mills Theory and the Noether Technique
8. The Irreducible Representations of Supersymmetry
9. Simple Supergravity: Linearized N = 1 Supergravity
10. Invariance of Simple Supergravity
11. Tensor Calculus of Rigid Supersymmetry
11.1 Supermultiplets
11.2 Combination of Supermultiplets
11.3 Action Formulas
12. Theories of Extended Rigid Supersymmetry
12.1 N = 2 Yang-Mills
12.2 N = 2 Matter
12.3 The General N = 2 Rigid Theory
12.4 The N = 4 Yang-Mills Theory
13. The Local Tensor Calculus and the Coupling of Supergravity to Matter
14. Superspace
14.1 An Elementary Account of N = 1 Superspace
14.2 N = 1 Superspace
14.3 N = 2 Superspace
15. Superspace Formulations of Rigid Supersymmetric Theories
15.1 N = 1 Superspace Theories: The Wess-Zumino Model
15.2 N = 1 Yang-Mills Theory
15.3 A Geometrical Approach to N = 1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
15.4 N = 2 Superspace Theories
16. Superspace Formulation of N = 1 Supergravity
16.1 Geometry
16.2 The Superspace Constraints
16.3 Analysis of the Superspace Constraints
16.4 Superspace Supergravity.from x-Space Supergravity
17. N = 1 Super-Feynman Rules
17.1 General Formalism
17.2 The Wess-Zumino Multiplet
17.3 Super Yang-Mills Theory
17.4 Applications of N = 1 Super-Feynman Rules
17.5 Divergence in Super-Feynman Graphs
17.6 One-Loop Infinities in a General N = 1 Supersymmetric Theory
17.7 The Background-Field Method
17.8 The Superspace Background-Field Method
18. Ultra-violet Properties of the Extended Rigid Supersymmetric Theories
18.1 The Anomalies Argument
18.2 The Non-Renormalization Argument
18.3 Finite N = 2 Supersymmetric Rigid Theories
18.4 Explicit Breaking and Finiteness
19. Spontaneous Breaking of Supersymmetry and Realistic Models
19.1 Tree-Level Breaking of Supersymmetry
19.2 Quantum Breaking of Supersymmetry
19.3 The Gauge Hierarchy Problem
19.4 Comments on the Construction of Realistic, Models
20. Currents in Supersymmetric Theories
20.1 General Considerations
20.2 Currents in the Wess-Zumino Model
20.3 Currents in N = 1 Super Yang-Mills Theory
20.4 Quantum Generated Anomalies
20.5 Currentsand Supergravity Formulations
21. Introduction to Two-Dimensional Supersymmetric Models and Superstring Actions
21.1 2-Dimensional Models of Rigid Supersymmetry
21.2 Coupling of 2-Dimensional Matter to Supergravity
22. Two-Dimensional Supersymmetry Algebras
22.1 Conventions in Two-Dimensional Minkowski and Euclidean Spaces
22.2 Superalgebras in Two-Dimensions
22.3 Irreducible Representations of Two-Dimensional Supersymmetry
23. Two-Dimensional Superspace and the Construction of Models
23.1 Minkowski Superspaces
23.2 Euclidean Superspaces
24. Superspace Formulations of Two-Dimensional Supergravities
24.1 Geometrical Framework
24.2 (1,0) Supergravity
24.3 (1,1) Supergravity
25. The Superconformal Group
25.1 The Conformal Group in Arbitrary Dimensions
25.2 The Two-Dimensional Conformal Group
25.3 The (1,1) Superconformal Group
25.4 The (2,2) Superconformal Group
26. Green Functions and Operator Product Expansions in (2,2)
Superconformal Models
26.1 Two and Three Point Green Functions
26.2 Chiral Correlators in (2,2) Superconformal Models
26.3 Super Operator Product Expansions
27. Gauge Covariant Formulation of Strings
27.1 The Point Particle
27.2 The Bosonic String
27.3 Oscillator Formalism
27.4 The Gauge Covariant Theory at Low Levels
27.5 The Finite Set
27.6 The Infinite Set
27.7 The Master Set
27.8 The On-Shell Spectrum of the Master Set
Appendix A: An Explanation of our Choice of Conventions
Appendix B: List of Reviews and Books
Appendix C: Problems
Subject Index