PART ONE Finsler Manifolds and Their Curvature
CHAPTER 1 Finsler Manifolds and the Fundamentals of Minkowski Norms
1.0 Physical Motivations
1.1 Finsler Structures: Definitions and Conventions
1.2 Two Basic Properties of Minkowski Norms
1.2 A. Enler's Theorem
1.2 B. A Fundamental Inequality
1.2 C. Interpretations of the Fundamental Inequality
1.3 Explicit Examples of Finsler Manifolds
1.3 A. Minkowski and Locally Minkowski Spaces
1.3 B. Riemannian Manifolds
1.3 C. Randers Spaces
1.3 D. Berwald Spaces
1.3 E. Finsler Spaces of Constant Flag Curvature
1.4 The Fundamental Tensor and the Cartan Tensor
Referenees forCHAPTER 1
CHAPTER 2 The Chern Connection
2.0 Prologue
2.1 The Vector Bundleand π*TM and Related Objects
2.2 Coordinate Bases Versus Special Orthonormal Bases
2.3 The Nonlinear Connection on the Manifold TM \\O
2.4 The Chern Connection on π*TM
2.5 Index Gymnastics
2.5 A. The Slash (...)|s and the Semicolon (...);s
2.5 B. Covariant Derivatives of the Fundamental Tensor g
2.5 C. Covariant Derivatives of the Distinguished ■
References forCHAPTER 2
CHAPTER 3 Curvature and Schur's Lemma
3.1 Conventions and the hh-, hv-, vv-curvatures
3.2 First Bianchi Identities from Torsion Freeness
3.3 Formulas for R and P in Natural Coordinates
3.4 First Bianchi Identities from "Almost" g-compatibility
3.4 A. Consequences from the dxk Λ dxl Terms
3.4 B. Consequences from the dxk Λ 1/Fδyl Terms
3.4 C. Consequences from the 1/Fδ Λ yk 1/Fδyl Terms
3.5 Second Bianchi Identities
3.6 Interchange Formulas or Ricci Identities
3.7 Lie Brackets among the δ/δx and the F■/■y
3.8 Derivatives of the Geodesic Spray Coefficients Gi
3.9 The Flag Curvature
3.9 A. Its Definition and Its Predecessor
3.9 B. An Interesting Family of Examples of Numata Type
3.10 Schur's Lemma
References forCHAPTER 3
CHAPTER 4 Finsler Surfaces and a Generalized Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
4.0 Prologue
4.1 Minkowski Planes and a Useful Basis
4.1 A. Rund's Differential Equation and Its Consequence
4.1 B. A Criterion for Checking Strong Convexity
4.2 The Equivalence Problem for Minkowski Planes
4.3 The Berwald Frame and Our Geometrical Setup on SM
4.4 The Chern Connection and the Invariants I, J, K
4.5 The Riemannian Arc Length of the Indicatrix
4.6 A Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for Landsberg Surfaces
References forCHAPTER 4
PART TWO Calculus of Variations and Comparison Theorems
CHAPTER 5 Variations of Arc Length, Jacobi Fields, the Effect of Curvature
5.1 The First Variation of Arc Length
5.2 The Second Variation of Arc Length
5.3 Geodesics and the Exponential Map
5.4 Jacobi Fields
5.5 How the Flag Curvature's Sign Influences Geodesic Rays
References forCHAPTER 5
CHAPTER 6 The Gauss Lemma and the Hopf-Rinow Theorem
6.1 The Gauss Lemma
6.1 A. The Gauss Lemma Proper
6.1 B. An Alternative Form of the Lemma
6.1 C. Is the Exponential Map Ever a Local Isometry?
6.2 Finsler Manifolds and Metric Spaces
6.2 A. A Useful Technical Lemma
6.2 B. Forward Metric Balls and Metric Spheres
6.2 C. The Manifold Topology Versus the Metric Topology
6.2 D. Forward Cauchy Sequences, Forward Completeness
6.3 Short Geodesics Are Minimizing
6.4 The Smoothness of Distance Functions
6.4 A. On Minkowski Spaces
6.4 B. On Finsler Manifolds
6.5 Long Minimizing Geodesics
6.6 The Hopf-Rinow Theorem
References forCHAPTER 6
CHAPTER 7 The Index Form and the Bonnet-Myers Theorem
7.1 Conjugate Points
7.2 The Index Form"
7.3 What Happens in the Absence of Conjugate Points?
7.3 A. Geodesics Are Shortest Among "Nearby" Curves
7.3 B. A Basic Index Lemma
7.4 What Happens If Conjugate Points Are Present?
7.5 The Cut Point Versus the First Conjugate Point
7.6 Ricci Curvatures
7.6 A. The Ricci Scalar Ric and the Ricci Tensor Ricij
7.6 B. The Interplay between Ric and Ricij
7.7 The Bonnet-Myers Theorem
References forCHAPTER 7
CHAPTER 8 The Cut and Conjugate Loci, and Synge's Theorem
8.1 Definitions
8.2 The Cut Point and the First Conjugate Point
8.3 Some Consequences of the Inverse Function Theorem
8.4 The Manner in WhichandDepend on y
8.5 Generic Properties of the Cut Locus
8.6 Additional Properties of Cutx When M Is Compact
8.7 Shortest Geodesics within Homotopy Classes
8.8 Synge's Theorem
References forCHAPTER 8
CHAPTER 9 The Cartan-Hadamard Theorem and
Rauch's First Theorem
9.1 Estimating the Growth of Jacobi Fields
9.2 When Do Local Diffeomorphisms Become Covering Maps?
9.3 Some Consequences of the Covering Homotopy Theorem
9.4 The Cartan-Hadamard Theorem
9.5 Prelude to Rauch's Theorem
9.5 A. Transplanting Vector Fields
9.5 B. A Second Basic Property of the Index Form
9.5 C. Flag Curvature Versus Conjugate Points
9.6 Rauch's First Comparison Theorem
9.7 Jacobi Fields on Space Forms
9.8 Applications of Rauch's Theorem
References forCHAPTER 9
PART THREE Special Finsler Spaces over the Reals
CHAPTER 10 Berwald Spaces and Szabo's Theorem for Berwald Surfaces
10.0 Prologue
10.1 Berwald Spaces
10.2 Various Characterizations of Berwald Spaces
10.3 Examples of Berwald Spaces
10.4 A Fact about Flat Linear Connections
10.5 Characterizing Locally Minkowski Spaces by Curvature
10.6 Szabo's Rigidity Theorem for Berwald Surfaces
10.6 A. The Theorem and Its Proof
10.6 B. Distinguishing between y-local and y-global
References for Chapter 10
CHAPTER 11 Randers Spaces and an Elegant Theorem
11.0 The Importance of Randers Spaces
11.1 Randers Spaces, Positivity, and Strong Convexity
11.2 A Matrix Result and Its Consequences
11.3 The Geodesic Spray Coefficients of a Randers Metric
11.4 The Nonlinear Connection for Randers Spaces
11.5 A Useful and Elegant Theorem
11.6 The Construction of y-global Berwald Spaces
11.6 A. The Algorithm
11.6 B. An Explicit Example in Three Dimensions
References for Chapter 11
CHAPTER 12 Constant Flag Curvature Spaces and Akbar-Zadeh's Theorem
12.0 Prologue
12.1 Characterizations of Constant Flag Curvature
12.2 Useful Interpretations of E and E
12.3 Growth Rates of Solutions of E + λ E = 0
12.4 Akbar-Zadeh's Rigidity Theorem
12.5 Formulas for Machine Computations of K
12.5 A. The Geodesic Spray Coefficients
12.5 B. The Predecessor of the Flag Curvature
12.5 C. Maple Codes for the Gaussian Curvature
12.6 A Poincard Disc That Is Only Forward Complete
12.6 A. The Example and Its Yasuda-Shimada Pedigree
12.6 B. The Finsler Function and Its Gaussian Curvature
12.6 C. Geodesics; Forward and Backward Metric Discs
12.6 D. Consistency with Akbar-Zadeh's Rigidity Theorem
12.7 Non-Riemannian Projectively Flat S2 with K=1
12.7 A. Bryant's 2-parameter Family of Finsler Structures
12.7 B. A Specific Finsler Metric from That Family
References for Chapter 12
CHAPTER 13 Riemannian Manifolds and Two of Hopf's Theorems
13.1 The Levi-Civita (Christoffel) Connection
13.2 Curvature
13.2 A. Symmetries, Bianchi Identities, the Ricci Identity
13.2 B. Sectional Curvature
13.2 C. Ricci Curvature and Einstein Metrics
13.3 Warped Products and Riemannian Space Forms
13.3 A. One Special Class of Warped Products
13.3 B. Spheres and Spaces of Constant Curvature
13.3 C. Standard Models of Riemannian Space Forms
13.4 Hopf's Classification of Riemannian Space Forms
13.5 The Divergence Lemma and Hopf's Theorem
13.6 The Weitzenbock Formula and the Bochner Technique
References for Chapter 13
CHAPTER 14 Minkowski Spaces, the Theorems of Deicke and Brickell
14.1 Generalities and Examples
14.2 The Riemannian Curvature of Each Minkowski Space
14.3 The Riemannian Laplacian in Spherical Coordinates
14.4 Deicke's Theorem
14.5 The Extrinsic Curvature of the Level Spheres of F
14.6 The Gauss Equations
14.7 The Blaschke-Santal6 Inequality
14.8 The Legendre Transformation
14.9 A Mixed-Volume Inequality, and Brickell's Theorem
References for Chapter 14