HORSES, ASSES, AND ZEBRAS all belong to one family of mammals called the"Equidae'. They are called"odd-toed" animals because they only have one hoof on each foot,whereas cows and deer have two hooves and are called"even-toed". The Equidae are classified in the order Perissodactyla with their nearest relatives, the rhinoceroses and tapirs.
JULIET CLUTTON-BROCK Be an interactive eyewitness to the fascinating world of horses and ponies, from their origins and breeds to their role in human history.
The horse family
How horses evolved
Bones and teeth
Senses and behaviour
Mares and foals
Wild asses
Seeing stripes
Ancient ancestors
Horses in history
Donkey work
Mules and hinnies
Shoes and shoeing
Bits and pieces
Exploring by horse
To the Americas
Running wild
Horses from around the world
Other breeds and colours
War horses
The age of chivalry
Travelling by horse
Horse-drawn vehicles
Heavy horses
Horse power
Light draught work
The horse in North America
Sporting horses
Horses for courses
Useful ponies
Did you know?
Identifying breeds
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