《文化适应与个人资本形成》由薛惠娟编著,研究运用布迪厄的资本理论,在综述资本形成、资本形成在社会分层中的作用、文化再生产、教育在社会流动中作为“构建性结构”(structuring structure),以及国际教育,包括文化适应与留学生海外经历研究的基础上,以定性研究为主要方法,采用个人及焦点团体访谈,以“封闭式”问题提供补充性定量数据,探讨了中国留学生文化适应与资本形成之过程及其关系问题,适于曾接受过、正在接受和打算接受国际教育的中国学生阅读,也适于中外国际教育实践者和研究者阅读。本书还为国际教育决策者提供了重要参考依据。
《文化适应与个人资本形成》由薛惠娟编著,研究运用布迪厄的资本理论,在综述资本形成、资本形成在社会分层中的作用、文化再生产、教育在社会流动中作为“构建性结构”(structuring structure),以及国际教育,包括文化适应与留学生海外经历研究的基础上,以定性研究为主要方法,采用个人及焦点团体访谈,以“封闭式”问题提供补充性定量数据,探讨了中国留学生文化适应与资本形成之过程及其关系问题。
研究证明中国学生通过接受国际教育收益甚厚。学生形成的资本体现在:提高了英语水平、在国际期刊上发表英语文章的科研能力、跨文化交际能力、跨文化环境中就业和职业发展之能力以及更丰富的学术、文化和社会知识、更宽阔的视野、更广泛的社会网络、新友谊及新形成的“个性”和“惯习”(hbitus)。研究指出:中国留学生在海外面临学习、生活上挑战并克服困难之时,他们实际上就是在积累文化资本,其中,英语语言水平为“资本一个性”转换过程中最关键点。研究证明留学生毕业后无论在海内外工作,都享用了其积累的文化资本,特别是享受了国际教育的象征资本(symbolic capital)和卓越。
Introduction: Chinese Students and UK Higher Education
1.1 My Own Story
1.2 Globalisation and International Education
1.3 The China Market -- Chinese Students and UK Education
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Book Structure
1.6 Conclusion
Sources and Methods
2.1 Introduction -- Sources
2.2 Methodology and Research Methods
2.3 Quantitative Data -- Closed Questions
2.4 Qualitative Data
2.5 Access and Ethics
2.6 Conclusion
3 Studying Abroad: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Bourdieu, Cultural Capital and Education
3.3 The Bourdieusian Movement in Educational Analysis
3.4 International Education, Acculturation and Cultural Capital
3.5 Conclusion
4 Motives, Mechanisms and Choices
4.1 Introduction
4. 2 Reasons and Motives for Chinese to Undertake International
4.3 The "Structuring Structures"- Family and Education
4.4 Programmes in UK Higher Education
4.5 Sources of Funding and Channels to UK Higher Education
4.6 Conclusion
5 Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation: The Educational Dimension .
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Culture Shock, Acculturation and Cultural Capital
5.3 Language Barrier
5.4 British Teaching and Learning Styles
5.5 Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation: The Educational
5.6 Conclusion
Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation: The Social Dimension
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Living in the New Culture
6.3 Communication and Friend-making
6.4 Financial Matters and Part-time Jobs
6.5 Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation: The Social Dimension
7 Education, Capital Formation and Career Development
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Education, Capital and Careers
7.3 The Career Trajectories of First-wave Students
7.4 The Career Expectations of Current Students
7.5 Transformation, Capital Formation and Career Development
7.6 Conclusion
8 Conclusion: Education and Capital Formation in China
8.1 Introduction
8.2 International Education for the Chinese People
8.3 Capital Formation and the Shaping of Talents in China
8.4 Implications of the Research
8.5 Questions Raised and Areas for Further Research
8.6 Conclusion
Appendix 1 Job History and UK Experiences of Past Students
Appendix 2 Significant Chinese Government Policies Affecting Chinese
People Receiving International Education (1977- 2006)
Appendix 3 Results of Statistical Tests
Appendix 4 Research Design
Appendix 5 Summary of Sample Demographics