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书名 | 光学(第4版改编版中国版理科类系列教材) |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-物理 |
作者 | (美)赫克特 |
出版社 | 高等教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《光学(第4版改编版中国版理科类系列教材)》的是赫克特编著的Optics第四版的改编版。该书的原版本被许多外院校指定或推荐作为学生主要参考书,具有比较大的影响。本书是一本用英语编写的有关光学领域内的最新成果和研究课题等内容的教学教材,涉及内容广泛,为英语爱好者和光学爱好者提供了广阔的发展空间,是这类人士学习和工作的最佳参考书之一。 内容推荐 由赫克特编著的《光学(第4版改编版中国版理科类系列教材)》是国外比较新的一本光学教材,被国外多所院校指定或推荐作为学生的主要参考书。书中基本覆盖了我国光学课程的主要教学内容,课程体系也和我国光学教学相接近。该书语言生动,讲解清楚,图片丰富,还介绍一些光学领域的最新成果和研究课题。经过国内有经验的教师根据国内教学要求有针对性地改编后,该书更加适合国内的教学实际,具有很强的教学适用性,是一本非常好的双语教学教材。 《光学(第4版改编版中国版理科类系列教材)》可供普通高等学校物理类专业作为双语教学教材使用,也可供其他专业和社会读者参考。 目录 1 A Brief History 1.1 Prolegomenon 1.2 Inthe Beginning 1.3 From the Seventeenth Century 1.4 The NIneteenth Centu ry 1.5 Twentieth-Centu ry Optics 2 Electromagnetic Theory,Photons,and Light 2.1 Basic Laws of Electromagnetic Theory 2.2 Electromagnetic Waves 2.3 Energy and Momentum 2.4 Radiation 2.5 Light in Bulk Matter 2.6 The Elect romagnetic-Photon Spectrum 2.7 Quantum Field Theory PROBLEMS 3 The Propagation of Light 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Rayleigh Scattering 3.3 Reflection 3.4 Refraction 3.5 Fermars Principle 3.6 The Electromagnetic Approach 3.7 Total InternaI Reflection 3.8 Optical Properties of Metals 3.9 Famlliar Aspects of the Jnteraction Light and Matter 3.10 The Stokes Treatment of Reflection and Refraction 3.11 Photons.Waves,and Probability PROBLEMS 4 Geometrical Optics 4.1 Introductory Remarks 4.2 Lenses 4.3 Stops 4.4 Mi rrors 4.5 Prisms 4.6 Fiberoptics 4.7 Optical Systems 4.8 Wavefront Shaping 4.9 Gravitational Lensing PROBLEMS 5 More on Geometrical Optics 5.1 Thick Lenses and Lens Systems 5.2 Analytical Ray Tracing 5.3 Aberrations 5.4 GRIN Systems 5.5 Concluding Remarks PROBLEMS 6 The Superposition of Waves 6.1 The Addition of Waves of the Same Frequency 6.2 The Addition of Waves of Different Frequency 6.3 Anharmonic Periodic Waves 6.4 Nonperiodic Waves PROBLEMS 7 Interference 7.1 Gene ral C0nslderatiOns 7.2 Cenditions for Interference 7.3 Wavefront-splitting Interferometers 7.4 Amolitude-solittinq Interferometers 7.5 Types and Localization of Interference Fringes 7.6 Multiole Beam Interference 7.7 Applications of Single and Multilayer Films 7.8 Applications of Interferometry PROBLEMS 8 Diffraction 8.1 Preliminary Considerations 8.2 Fraunhofer Diffraction 8.3 Fresnel Diffraction 8.4 Kirchhoff's Scalar Diffraction Theorv 8.5 Boundary Diffraction Waves PROBLEMS 9 Polarization 9.1 The Nature of Polarized Light 9.2 Polarizers 9.3 Dichroism 9.4 Birefringence 9.5 Scattering and Polarization 9.6 Polarization by Reflection 9.7 Retarders 9.8 Circular Polarizers 9.9 Polarization of Polychromatic Light 9.10 0ptical Activity 9.11 Induced Optical Effects Optical Modulators 9.12 Liquid Crystals 9.13 A Mathematical Description of Polarization PROBLEMS 10 Fourier Optics 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Fourier Transforms 10.3 0ptical Applications PROBLEMS 11 Basics of Coherence Theory 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Visibility 11.3 The Mutual Coherence Function and the Degree of Coherence 11.4 Coherence and Stellar Inter ferometry PROBLEMS 12 Modern Optics: Lasers and Other Topics 12.1 Lasers and Laserlight 12.2 Imagery -The Spatial Distribution of Optical Information 12.3 Holography 12.4 Nonlinear Optics PROBLEMS Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Table l Solutions to Selected Problems Bibliography |
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