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书名 圣经故事名篇详注(高级英语选修课教材)/名篇详注系列
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 刘意青//李小鹿
出版社 中国人民大学出版社





故事1 The Creation of the World开天辟地

故事2 God Created Adam and Eve神造始祖

故事3 Man'S First Sin and the Loss of Paradise始祖犯戒

故事4 Cain Killed His Brother Abel该隐杀弟

故事5 The Flood and Noah'S Ark挪亚方舟

故事6 The Tower of Babel建巴别塔

故事7 Finding Shelter in Egypt寄居埃及

故事8 Hagar and Ishmael夏甲被逐

故事9 Abram'S Covenant with God与神立约

故事10 The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah灭所多玛

故事11 The Birth of Isaac百岁得子

故事12 God Tested Abraham献子考验

故事13 Isaac Married Rebecca娶利百加

故事14 The Twin Brothers Esau and Jacob孪生兄弟

故事15 Jacob Took Wives雅各完婚

故事16 Taking the Family Home携眷返乡

故事17 Revenging Dinah for the Rape巧计复仇

故事18 Joseph Sold into Egypt卖往埃及

故事1 9 Judah and Tamar他玛用计

故事20 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife约瑟蒙冤

故事21 Joseph Interpreted Dreams解梦如神

故事22 Lost Son Found购粮认亲


故事23 The Birth of Moses摩西出世

故事24 God Appeared to Moses受命于天

故事25 Plagues upon the Egyptians降灾埃及

故事26 The Passover逾越圣节

故事27 God's Miracles途中神迹

故事28 The Ten Commandments主谕十戒


故事29 The Capture of Jericho占耶利哥

故事30 Victory at Ai艾城告捷

故事31 The Doom of the Five Kings五王覆灭


故事32 Ehud Assassinated King of Moab杀摩押王

故事33 The Death of Sisera雅亿建功

故事34 Gideon Defeated the Midianites击败米甸

故事35 A Millstone Killed Abimelech亚比米勒

故事36 Jephthah and His Daughter献祭处女

故事37 Samson and His Timnah Bride参孙结婚

故事38 Delilah Betrayed Samson参孙被囚

故事39 Samson's Revenge参孙复仇

故事40 The Levite and His Concubine因妾建勋


故事41 Ruth and Boaz贤媳路得

 1 SAMUEL《撒母耳记上》

故事42 The Birth of Samuel求神而诞

故事43 Saul Was Annointed King扫罗登基

故事44 The King's Discord with the Priest悔立扫罗

故事45 Shepherd David Killed Goliath牧童克敌

故事46 David Became a Fugitive大卫逃亡

故事47 David and Abigail愚智迥异

故事48 The Death of Saul扫罗之死

 2 SAMUEL《撒母耳记下>

故事49 David Ascended the Throne一统天下

故事50 David,Bathsheba and Uriah杀人夺妻

故事51 The Rape of Tamar他玛被奸

故事52 Absalom's Rebellion骨血作乱

 1 KINGS《列王纪上》

故事53 Solomon Won the Crown膏立新王

故事54 Solomon'S Wisdom智断疑案

故事55 The Building of the Temple修建圣殿

故事56 The Queen of Sheba示巴女王

故事57 The Division into Two Kingdoms南北分立

故事58 Crime Committed for Naboth'S Vineyard杀人夺园

 2 KINGS《列王纪下》

故事59 Jehu Seized the Throne耶户夺权

故事60 Athaliah亚他利雅

故事61 The Fall of Israel神弃国灭

故事62 The Last Days of Judah犹大衰亡


故事63 Esther Saved Her People拯救族人


故事64 Job's Ordeal约伯受难


故事65 Jonah's Defiance Against God与神抗争



故事66 The Bidh of the Messhiah基督诞生

故事67 John the Baptist施洗约翰

故事68 The Temptaton by Satan撒旦引诱

故事69 The First Batch of Disciples初收门徒

故事70 The Cleansing of the Temple清洁圣殿

故事71 The Well of Sychar叙加古井

故事72 Unrecognized in His Own Country家乡见弃

故事73 Cure of Patients不药而愈

故事74 Five Loaves and Two Fishes五饼二鱼

故事75 Pigs Rushed into the Lake群猪投水

故事76 The Dead Girl Woke Up死而复生

故事77 At Capernaum在迦百农

故事78 Cure of the Blind盲者复明

故事79 Entering Jerusalem on a Donkey进入圣城

故事80 A Parable寓言一则

故事81 The Parable of Big Banquet大宴比喻

故事82 The Good Samaritan好心邻人

故事83 The Prodigal Son浪子回头

故事84 Lazarus and the Rich Man死后易位

故事85 The Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven天国奥秘

故事86 Lazarus Rose from Death救拉撒路

故事87 Anointing for Burial膏泼耶稣

故事88 The Last Supper最后晚餐

故事89 The Death of Jesus耶稣之死

故事90 The Resurrection基督复活


故事91 The Disciples Spread Christianity传颂耶稣

故事92 Forsaking Darkness for Light弃暗投明

故事93 Gift Poured Out on Gentiles恩泽外邦

故事94 Paul'S Missionary Travels广出传道

故事95 The Death of the Evil Herod恶贯满盈

故事96 The Jailer Found Faith in God狱卒信主

故事97 Paul'S(Last)Injunctions保罗嘱托

故事98 Advance Despite Difficulties知难而进

故事99 Paul Made His Defense保罗自辩

故事100 Came Happiness After Sufferings苦尽甘来






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