Chapter 1 Culture and Intercultural Communication
Proclass Activities-Leadin Case
Case 1 She Has Three Hands
Whileclass Learning
Text A Understanding Culture
1.Definition of Cuhure
2.Characteristics of Culture
Case 2 The Gift
Text B Cuhures within Cu[ture
Case 3 Hippies
Text C Communication
1.Definition of Communieation
2.Characteristics of Communication
Case 4 Greeting
Text D Culture and Communication
Case 5 Introduction
Text E Intercultural Communication
Case 6 First Offer
Case 7 Getting Frustrated
Postclass Activitiea
CulturaI Salon:Be Stumped
Chapter2 Cultural Patterns
Chapter3 Verbal Communcation
Chapter4 Nonverbal Communication
Chapter5 Social Interaction Custorns
Chapter6 Cultural Infiuences on Contexts
Chapter7 Potential Problems in Intercultural Communication
Chapter8 Intercultural Communcation competence