Part I Language
Chapter 1 Importance of Language
1.1 Importance of Language
1.2 Functions of Language
Chapter 2 Definition of Language and Its Classifications
2.1 Definition of Language
2.2 Classifications of Language
Chapter 3 Properties of Language
3.1 Arbitrariness of Language
3.2 Duality of Language
3.3 Creativity of Language
3.4 Displacement of Language
Part II Linguistics
Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to linguistics
1.1 Definition of Linguistics
1.2 A Brief History of Linguistics
Chapter 2 Main Branches of Linguistics
2.1 Phonetics
2.2 Phonology
2.3 Morphology
2.4 Syntax
2.5 Semantics
2.6 Pragmatics
Chapter 3 Macrolinguistics
3.1 Sociolinguistics
3.2 Psycholinguistics
3.3 Anthropological Linguistics
3.4 Fuzzy Linguistics
3.5 Applied Linguistics
3.6 Computational Linguistics
Part III Pragmatics
Chapter 1 A General View of Pragmatics
1.1 Wastebasket of Pragmatics
1.2 Context in Pragmatics
1.3 History and Definition of Pragmatics
1.4 Why the Necessity of Pragmatics Study?
Chapter 2 Some I mportant Terms in Pragmatics
2.1 Proposition,Truth Conditions and Propositional Logic
2.2 Deixis and Reference
2.2.1 Deixis
2.2.2 Reference
2.3 Anaphora,Cataphora and Principle of Economy
2.4 Presupposition
2.4.1 Presupposition and Entailment
2.4.2 Properties of Presupposition
2.4.3 Types of Presupposition
2.5 Inference
2.6 Salient Meaning
Chapter 3 Speech Act
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Constative and Pefformative
3.3 Explicit Performatives and Implicit Performatives
3.4 IFIDs and Felicities
3.5 Locutionary,Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts
3.6 Speech Act Classification
3.6.1 Austin’s Classification of Speech Acts
3.6.2 Searle’s Classification of Speech Acts
3.6.3 Assessment and Criticism of Speech Act Theon
Chapter 4 Cooperative Principle
4.1 Cooperation and Cooperative PrinciFle
4.2 Conversational Implicature
4.2.1 Generalized Conversational Implieatures
4.2.2 Particularized Conversational Implicatures
4.2.3 Properties of Conversational Implicatures
4.3 Conventional Implicatures
4.4 Cooperation,Implicatures and Metaphor
4.5 Development of Cooperative Principle
4.5.1 Criticism of Gricean CP
4.5.2 Horn’s Theory on Conversational Implicatures
4.5.3 Levinson’s Theory on Conversational Implicatures Q.implicatures I.implicatures M.implicatures
Chapter 5 Politeness Principle and Face.saving Theory
5.1 Politeness Principle(PP)
5.1.1 Background to Politeness Principle
5.1.2 Main Contents of Politeness Principle Definition and FunctioIl Illocutionary Functions and Maxims of the PP Illocutionary Functions and Politeness Maxims of the PP
5.1.3 Some Key Aspects to the Understanding of the PF Difference in the Importance of the Maxims and Sub—maxims Degree of Politeness Politeness and Context Politeness and Cuhure Metalinguistic Aspects of Politeness
5.2 “Face.saving”Theory(FST)
5.2.1 A Brief Introduction to FST
5.2.2 Face—Threatening Act(FTA)
5.2.3 Redressive Strategies Bald.on—record Strategy(without Redressive Action) Positive Politeness Strategy Negative Politeness Strategy Off-record Strategy Don’t—do.the—FTA Strategy
5.2.4 Computing Weightiness of an FTA
5.3 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Relevance Theory
6.1 Key Terms in RT
6.1.1 Code Model&Inferential Mode
6.1.2 Context
6.1.3 Cognitive Environments&Manifestness
6.1.4 Ostension&Ostensive.Inferential Communication
6.1.5 Informative Intention&Communicative Intention
6.1.6 Contextual Effects&Processing Efforts
6.1.7 Implicatures and Explicatures
6.2 Main Contents of RT
6.2.1 Re’examination of Relationship between Language and Communication
6.2.2 A Brief Account of the Process in Communication
6.2.3 Degrees of Relevance and Relevance PrinciDle
6.2.4 Inference and Context
6.3 Conclusiorr
Part IV Practice:Some Papers on Pragmatics Research
1 Interpretation of Scarlett,a Sequel to Gone with the Pragmatics’Perspective
2 关于英语专业学生元语言意识的思考——基于英语专业学生本科毕业论文的调查报告
3 从关联理论角度解读《斯佳丽》——兼谈续集文学创作及解读
4 幽默交际失败原因的语用分析——兼谈鲁迅与林语堂、梁实秋之间的文字讼诤
5 话语误解与关联理论——交际中“话语误解”现象的实例分析及其现实意义
6 关联论对专业英语口语课堂教学的启示
7 从幽默交际的角度重新审视语言经济原则
8 指称现象的歧义性与幽默
9 论Gone with the Wind一书中Rhett Butler形象的塑造
10 跨文化交际中的假象——外语学习者交际中Back—channeling策略使用情况给我们的启示