The twentieth century was marked by the fall of all specific artistic disciplines.Painting and sculpture began to intertwine with other artistic languages-architecture and photography,cinema and de-sign-through the unbridled use of all techniques and all media.aims to document multimedia overlays created through the use of new technologies-radio and television,the telephone and gramophone,film and the computer-that have marked the artistic practices of the historic and contemporary avant-gardes,from futurism to constmctivism,dada to surrealism,pop art to conceptual art.It features a long line-up of images and thoughts,books and manifestos,films and photographs,discs and videos produced by the maior protagonists of art-both.yesterday and today,from Balla to Marinetti,Schwitters to Duchamp,Warhol to Bews,Nauman to Kiefer and Paik to Anderson-for an aesthetic view completely free of all spatial,temporal and media-based confines.
The Reasons for Vertigo
Germano Celant
The Subject of the Media
Gianfranco Maraniello
Germano Celant
Nineteen Eleven Nineteen Sixty-two
There Will Come A Time When Paintings Are No Longer Enough
Ester Coen
The Media Heat Up: Cinema and Photography in Futurism
Giovanni Lista
Artists and Books in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Elio Grazioli
Image and Concept
Carlo Montanaro
The Irresistible Rise of the Photographic
Claudio Marra
From Film Projector To MP3 Player
Nineteen Sixty-three Two Thousand Five
Making Good Use of the Banal
Alberto Boatto
The Screen 'General Equivalent' of Contemporary Art
Ugo Volli
Connecting Pages
Giovanni Maria Accame
Tele-aesthetics: Between Television and Art
Marco Senaldi
Les cousins: Film and Artistic Avant-gardes
Peppino Ortoleva
The City Is a Computer Every Twenty Square Metres:
Toward a Non-figurative Architecture
Andrea Branzi
From Film to Video Art
Francesco Bernardelli
The Sonic Youth of the Last Century
Carlo Antonelli
Surveillance,Identity and Archive in the Digital Age:
An Interview with Stefano Rodota
Antonio Somaini
Two Thousand Seven
Vanessa Beecroft,Gregory Crewdson,Yang Fudong,
Andreas Gursky,Thomas Hirschhorn,Pierre Huyghe,
Steve McQueen,Matt Mullican,Vik Muniz,Paul Pfeiffer,
Thomas Ruff,Lucas Samaras,Thomas Struth,Grazia Toderi,
Francesco Vezzoli,Krzysztof Wodiczko
List of Works and Texts