Pouplar Chinese Jokes offers glimpses of life in ancient China in lighter vein. Through more than 40 well-known jokes told in cartoons, the author/illustrator takes a gentle swipe at some bad habits and practices of the Chinese in olden days. Ancient as they are, these jokes never fail to strike a chord in the hearts of present-day readers.
Pouplar Chinese Jokes offers glimpses of life in ancient China in lighter vein. Through more than 40 well-known jokes told in cartoons, the author/illustrator takes a gentle swipe at some bad habits and practices of the Chinese in olden days. Ancient as they are, these jokes never fail to strike a chord in the hearts of present-day readers.
Chinese cartoonist Tian Hengyu is renowned for his expressive illustrations with crisp, clear-cut lines. His depiction of nonentities with their antics in these jokes is particularly side-splitting. It is sheer enjoyment for readers who can readily relate to the many seemingly familiar characters and situations they come across.
The book entertains with more than 200 different cartoon characters,all created with unique features to bring to life their hilarious roles in the stories. You're sure to be tickled pink as you go through the pages.
The Lonely Man
The Miser
Birthday Present
Business Sense
One More Time
The Art Of Swindling
Lazy Man Learning To Cheat
Showing Off
An Eye For An Eye
Don't Count On It Yet
Rat Killer
Bitter Vegetables
Treatment For Hunchback
A Matter Of Face
Learning To Shave The Head
Cause Of Anger
Born Loser
None Of My Business
Where Have I Gone?
A Swop Of Magic
Three Attendants
Treasure Vat
Life's Still Worth Living
Pretending To Be Rich
Small And Big Matters
Logical Thinking
I'm Lao-zi
Vacillating Father And Son
Eating East And Sleeping West
Suit The Medicine To The Illness
Drawing A Tiger
Borrowing An Ox
Foul Play
Putting Up A Front
Three Muddle-Headed Men
Mutual Punishment
Dream Lover
Selling A Donkey And Marrying Off A Daughter
Praising The Cat
Making A Bet
Reaping What He's Sown
Pearl, Jadeite And White Jade Soup