Growing up in New England during the Civil War, the March sisters share everything - their joys and troubles, their loves and secrets. But the four girls couldn't be more different. Meg, the oldest, is the sensible writer. Jo is funny and mischievous. Beth is the shy, dreamy one, and Amy is pretty and artistic.
From dances to despairs, through weddings and funerals, the March girls stand as sisters.
This is one family you will never forget.
I don't remember when I first met Jo March in Women. I don t remember not knowing her once I cored read well.
Here was a character who wanted to write, who had trouble dressing and acting according to convention, who said what she thought.
I identified, big time, with Jo March...
1. Playing Pilgrims
2. A Merry Christmas
3. The Laurence Boy
4. Burdens
5. Being Neighborly
6. Beth Finds the Palace Beautiful
7. Amy's Valley of Humiliation
8. Jo Meets Apollyon
9. Meg Goes to Vanity Fair
10. The E. C. and P. O.
11. Experiments
12. Camp Laurence
13. Castles in the Air
14. Secrets
15. A Telegram
16. letters
17. Little Faithful
18. Dark Days
19. Amy's Will
20. Confidential
21. Laurie Makes Mischief, and Jo Makes Peace
22. Pleasant Meadows
23. Aunt March Settles the Question
24. Gossip
25. The First Wedding
26. Artistic Attempts
27. Literary Lessons
28. Domestic Experiences
29. Calls
30. Consequences
31. Our Foreign Correspondent
32. Tender Troubles
33. Jo's Journal
34. A Friend
35. Heartache
36. Beth's Secret
37. New Impressions
38. On the Shelf
39. Lazy Laurence
40. The Valley of the Shadow
41. Learning to Forget
42. All Alone
43. Surprises
44. My Lord and Lady
45. Daisy and Demi
46. Under the Umbrella
47. Harvest Time