Telegraphs the talent and class of its writer from its opening pages, transporting you hack to the darkest days of postwar Soviet Russia with assured efficiency and ruthlessly drawing you into its richly atmospheric and engrossing tale.
Stalin's Soviet IJnion strives to be a paradise for its workers, yet its citizens live in fear of their own government, Defending the system from Western influence and sending Jnnocentsto the Gulags or their executions is the MGB, the State Security Force. And MGB officer is more courageous, conscientious, or idealistic than Leo Demidov.
Leo and his beautiful wife live in relative luxury--until the impossible happens,turning his life upside down and shattering his beliefs. Now Leo's only salvation is tocatch a killer terrorizing a swath of Russia. But in an official "paradise," pursuing the truth can makeyou an enemy of the State. And in Leo's case, an enemy to be hunted and destroyed.