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书名 | 大学英语教程(第3册21世纪高等继续教育精品教材) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 廖根福 |
出版社 | 中国人民大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 高等教育的迅猛发展和教育技术的普遍应用,客观上要求大学英语教材能更加紧密地结合课堂教学实际和现代计算机、网络技术在课堂教学中的应用。本着适应教学需要、适合教师使用、方便学生自学和复习巩固的要求,我们组织编写了这套《大学英语教程》。本书是第三册。 内容推荐 本套教材以教育部高等教育司颁布的供高等职业学校、高等专科学校、成人高等学校和本科院校职业技术学院适用的《英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》、部分省级学位委员会办公室联合编写组编写的《成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试大纲(非英语专业)》和《大学英语教学大纲(修订本)》要求为依据,在专家的指导下,以教学第一线教师为主体,紧密结合英语教学实际,前后历时两年编写而成。 目录 UNiT 1 PART Ⅰ Communicotion 5kills Expressing Opinions PART Ⅱ Text A Bringing up Children(Ⅰ ) PART Ⅲ Text B Bringing up Children(Ⅱ) PART Ⅳ Writing Work Letters of Thanks and Congratulations UNIT 2 PART ⅠCommunicotion Skills Expressing Trust and Distrust PART Ⅱ Text A Air Pollution Linked to Stroke Risk, PART Ⅲ Text B Give a Man a Fish PART Ⅳ Writing Work Letters of Introduction UNIT 3 PART Ⅰ Communicotion Skills Expressing Approval and Disapproval PART Ⅱ Text A What Is Money and What Are Its Functions? PART Ⅲ Text B Insurance PART ⅣWriting Work Letters of Job Application UNIT 4 PART Ⅰ Communicotion Skills Expressing Possibility and Impossibitity PART Ⅱ Text A The Olympic Games PART Ⅲ Text B John Steinbeck PART Ⅳ Writing Work Letters of Resignation UNIT 5 PART Ⅰ Communicotion 5kills Expressing Ability and Disability PART Ⅱ Text A The Great Wall PART Ⅲ Text B The Thames Barrier PART Ⅳ Writing Work Letters of Invitation UNIT 6 PART Ⅰ Communicotion 5kills Expressing Remembering and Forgetting PART Ⅱ Text A The Meaning of a Glance PART Ⅲ Text B My Life as a Writer PART Ⅳ Writing Work Memorandum UNIT 7 PART Ⅰ Communicotion Skills Expressing Insistence and Opposition PART Ⅱ Text A Conquering Sicily PART Ⅲ Text B Entertaining Kids on Thanksgiving Day PART Ⅳ Writing Work Proposing Intention--Business Letter UNIT 8 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills Expressing Determination PART Ⅱ Text A Job Training PART Ⅲ Text B Schooling and Education PART Ⅳ Writing Work Letters of Application UNIT 9 PART Ⅰ Communication !Skills Expressing Hesitation and uncertainty PART Ⅱ Text A Interesti g Clothes PART Ⅲ Text B Divorce Rate PART Ⅳ Writing Work Letters of Reference UNIT 10 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills Expressing OfferingAccepting or Declining Help PART Ⅱ Text A Open Government PART Ⅲ Text B Political PARTies PART Ⅳ Writing Work Letters of Recommendation UNIT 11 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills Expressing Asking for Permission , Permitting and Declining Permission PART Ⅱ Text A Cyber Love PART Ⅲ Text B Cyber Criminals PART Ⅳ Writing Work Sales Contract UNIT 12 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills Expressing Invitation, Accepting Invitation and Declining InvitaUc PART Ⅱ Text A The Life of the Greatest Comedy ArUst--Charlie Chaplin PART Ⅲ Text B Benjamin Franklin PART Ⅳ Writing Work Service Contract 综合练习 |
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