Computer Network Security Theory and Practice introduces to the reader a complete and concise view of network security. It provides in-depth theoretical coverage of recent advancements and practical solutions to network security threats. This book can be used for a one-semester network security course for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students, as well as a reference for IT professionals.
1 Network Security Overview
1.1 Mission and Definitions
1.2 Common Attacks and Defense Mechanisms
1.2.1 Eavesdropping
1.2.2 Cryptanalysis
1.2.3 Password Pilfering
1.2.4 Identity Spoofing
1.2.5 Buffer-Overflow Exploitations
1.2.6 Repudiation
1.2.7 Intrusion
1.2.8 Traffic Analysis
1.2.9 Denial of Service Attacks
1.2.10 Malicious Software
1.3 Attacker Profiles
1.3.1 Hackers
1.3.2 Script Kiddies
1.3.3 Cyber Spies
1.3.4 Vicious Employees
1.3.5 Cyber Terrorists
1.3.6 Hypothetical Attackers
1.4 Basic Security Model
1.5 Security Resources
1.6 Closing Remarks
1.7 Exercises
2 Data Encryption Algorithms
3 Public-Key Cryptography and Key Management
4 Data Authentication
5 Network Security Protocols in Practice
6 Wireless Network Security
7 Network Perimeter Security
8 The Art of Anti Malicious Software
9 The Art of Intrusion Detection