本书科学系统地介绍了中国传统医学的理论基础、临床应用及中西医结合治疗的优势。本书具有如下特点:1、中医理论部分。本书在介绍中医理论及文化背景的同时,也关注与相应时期西方(古希腊)医学理论及文化背景的比较分析,以此使西方读者对中医的理解更加清楚到位。2、中医基本知识部分。突出介绍中医一些独特的方法,及与西医的互补性。3、临床治疗部分。在病种的选择方面,本书没有简单地选择西医没有办法而中医有疗效的常见病种进行介绍,或简单地选取一些病例予以佐证,而是严格根据西方医学最为看重的“循证医学”原则(RCCT,即:Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial)进行病种的遴选和病例分析。
Chapter I Cultural Backgrounds of Chinese Medicine
Ancient Chinese Philosophy
I. Confucianism
II. Daoism
Ancient Chinese Language
China's Scientific Tradition
Chapter II Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine
Theory of Essential Qi
I. Basic Concept of Qi
II. Components of Essential Qi
III. Comparison between Qi, Pneuma and Atom
Theory of Yin-Yang
I. Opposition of Yin and Yang
II. Interdependence of Yin and Yang
III. Inter-Consuming-Supporting Relationship of Yin and Yang(Waxing-Waning of Yin and Yang)
IV. Inter-transformation of Yin and Yang
V. Infinite Divisibility of Yin and Yang
Theory of Five Elements
I. Major Contents of Five-element Theory in Chinese Medicine
II. Comparison between Five-element Theory in Chinese Medicine and Four-element Theory in Greek Medicine
Theory of Visceral Manifestations
I. Anatomical, Physiological and Pathological Basis of Visceral Manifestations
II. Ancient "Black-box" Method
III. The Five Zang-Organs
IV. The Six Fu-Organs
V. The Extraordinary Organs
VI. Relations between Zang- and Zang-Organs
VII. Relations between Zang- and Fu-Organs
VIII. Relations of Zang-Organs with Other Tissues and Activities
IX. Ontology of Zang-Organs According to Modern Research
Theory of Meridians and Collaterals
I. Historical Development of the Concept of Meridian System
II. Evidence Indicating the Existence of Meridians in Modern Studies
III. Composition of the Meridian System
IV. Functions of the Meridians
Cause of Disease
I. Development of Etiology of Chinese Medicine
II. Causal Factors of External Contraction
TTI. Causal Factors of Internal Damage
IV. Pathogenesis in Chinese Medicine
Chapter III Diagnostics
Symptom, Disease and Syndrome Pattern
Four Examinations
I. Inspection
II. Listening and Smelling
III. Inquiry
IV. Palpation
Syndrome Differentiation (Pattern Identification)
I. Eight-Principle Syndrome Differentiation
II. Disease Cause Syndrome Differentiation
III. Qi-Blood and Body Fluid Syndrome Differentiation
IV. Visceral Syndrome Differentiation
V. Other Schemes of Syndrome Differentiation
Chapter IV Therapeutics
Principles of Treatment
I. Treating the Disease before it Arises
II. Treating the Root vs. Treating the Tip
III. Applying Treatment with Regard to Time, Place and Individual
IV. Consistent Treatment vs. Paradoxical Treatment
Basic Knowledge about Chinese Medicines
I. The Four Natures of Medicinals
II. The Five Tastes (Flavors) of Medicinals
III. Meridian Tropism of Medicinals
IV. Principles of Composing a Compound Formula
V. Medicinal Pairing
VI. Toxicity
VII. Processing of Medicinals
Methods of Treatment
I. Diaphoresis
II. Emesis
III. Purgation
IV. Harmonizing Method
V. Warming Method
VI. (Heat-)Clearing Method
VII. Dispersion (or Resolution)
VIII. Tonification
IX. Others
Chapter V Common Diseases
Allergic Rhinitis
Bronchial Asthma
Cardiovascular Diseases
Essential Hypertension
Coronary Heart Disease
Chronic Gastro-lntestinal Diseases
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux and Esophagitis
Functional Dyspepsia
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Chornic Gastritis
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Metabolic Disorders
Diabetes Mellitus
Metabolic Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Gouty Arthritis