Creative minds of all types flock to the Big Apple to soak up the artistic energy and bask in the inspiration of daily life in the city. This all-new collection takes you on a tour through a kaleidoscopic selection of typically fabulous New York interiors from those of design legend Vladimir Kagan and artists Alex Katz, Julian Schnabel,and Terence Koh to musician Rufus Wainwright, actors Joel Grey and Julianne Moore,gastronomy genius Sean MacPherson, hair stylist Gerald DeCock, adult-film star Vanessa del Rio and many more--each interior unique yet sharing the same "I love NY" vibe.
Inside the world's most energetic melting pot. It has been over ten years since TASCHEN's original New York Interiors was published and while much has changed in the Big Apple since then, the city is still bristling with an exciting and eclectic mix of cutting-edge movers and shakers--a fact that is perfectly reflected in its interiors.New York has long been a magnet for artistic people, and since September 11 the city has become less money-driven and more creative, with an unprecedented influx of graphic designers, interior designers, artists, gallerists, arid collectors. Across the river from Manhattan, trendy, lessexpensive Brooklyn neighborhoods such as Williamsburg offer a convenient taste of life just outside the fast lane.Hand-picked by editor Angelika Taschen, this spanking new collection of interiors explores an array of homes as dizzying as the diversity of the New Yorkers themselves.Peek into the apartments of artist Terence Koh, artist and director Julian Schnabel, musician Rufus Wainwright,porn diva Vanessa del Rio, and actress Julianne Mooreamong many others--to get an idea of the myriad and marvelous ways New Yorkers love to live.
New York revisited Preface by Angelika Taschen
New York revisit6 Preface de Angelika Taschen
New York revisited vorwort Angelika Taschen
Marina Abramovic & Paolo Canevari photos: Reto Cuntli/
Marianne Boesky & Liam Culman Photos: Jason Schrnidt
Muriel Brandolini Photos: Pieter Estorsohn
Anita Calero Photos: Anita Calero/
Columbus Circle photos:Jasoo Schmidt
Gerald DeCock Photos:Barbel Miebach/
Vanessa del Rio Photos: Pieter Estersohn
An East Village Townhouse photos: Francois Halard
Pieter Estersohn photos: Pieter Estersohn
A Fifth Avenue Apartment photos: Anthony Cotsifas
Michael Fuchs Photos:FrancoisHalard
Cindy Gallop Photos: Michael Weber/
A Garment District Loft Photos: Paul Warchol
Joel Grey Photos: William Abranowicz/Art + Commerce
Francois Halard Photos: Francois Halard
Constance Hansen & Russell Peacock Photos: Paul Warchol
Jan Hashey & Yasuo Minagawa photos:Jason Schmidt
Tyler Hays Photos: Ngoc Mirth Ngo
Jane Holzer Photos:Jason Schmidt
Vladimir Kagan & Erica Wilson photos:Verne, Production: Bouchez-Owl
Alexandra & Paul Kasmin Photos: Frangois Halard
Alex Katz Photos: Verne, Production: Bouchez-Owl
Terence Koh Photos: Franqois Halard
Joseph Kosuth Photos: Verne, Production: Bouchez-Owl
Cary Leibowitz Photos:Jason Schmidt
Jonathan Leitersdorf Photos: Bairbel Miebach/
Sean MacPherson Photos: MartynThompson
Sabine & Michael Maharam Photos: Christoph Kicherer
Mary McFadden Photos:Pieter Estersohn
Lee Mindel Photos: Michael Moran
Julianne Moore & Bart Freundlich Photos: PieterEstersohn
Josh Morton & Susan Weinthaler Photos: Paul Warchol
Palazzo Chupi Photos: Francois Halarcl
Izhar Patkin Photos:FranCois Halard
Lorenzo Salazar Photos: Ake E:son Lindman/
Herbert Sambol Photos: Michael Moran
Andres Serrano Photos: Reto Guntli/
Philip Taaffe Photos: Francois Halard
Rufus Wainwright & Jorn Weisbrodt Photos: Francois Halard
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