本书是根据Carolyn Graham教授独创的Jazz Chants教学法编写而成。
1.Listen to the Beat
2.Sky Chant
3.Are You Japanese?
4.How Many Bees Do You See?
5.Hello Chant
6.Where's Tim? Is He Here?
7.What Time Is It? Am I Late?
8.Gee! This Is Good!
9.My Dog Jean
10.Sleepy Cow
11.Where's Kate?
12.Where Are You from?
13.The Cucumber Song
14.This Guy's Good
15.The Yellow Carp Chant
16.Bike Chant
17.Summer Heat
18.A Horse Is Faster Than a Cow
19.I Can't Understand Him
20.Let's Go Inside
21.Sit Down and Be Quiet
22.Do You Watch TV Every Day?
23.Wet Hair Chant
24.Get to the Gate
25.What's the Matter?
26.The Thursday Club
27.Dirty Kitchen
28.Basketball Star
29.Water Chant
30.Today's the Tenth of May
31.Spring Is Here!
32.My Teacher Wrote a Letter to My Mother
33.How Many Girls Are There in Our Class?
34.The Race Chant
35.The Birthday Cake Song
36.Soup Chant
37.May I Leave Early Today?
38.Ping Pong Chant
39.Look at the Moon
40.Graduation Day
Notes for Teachers