The 8 papers in this publication focus on research studies and tests to develop techniques to minimize human injuries and fatalities in both the struck vehicle and the striking vehicle in automotive crashes. Other topics include the biomechanics of pedestrian impact, development of test devices and countermeasures for pedestrian protection, and epidemiology of pedestrian injury.
2008-01-0813 Evaluating Frontal Crash Test
Force-Deformation Data for Vehicle to Vehicle
Frontal Crash Compatibility
Khaled Mostafa, Kennedy Digges and Vahid Motevalli The George Washington University
2008-01-0814 Preliminary Evaluation Methodology in Front-Front Vehicle Compatibility
John C. Brewer
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
David L. Smith
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
2008-01-0815 Relationship between Frontal Stiffness
and Occupant Compartment Intrusion in Frontal
Crash Tests
James Saunders, Alexander Strashny and Chris Wiacek
National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration
2008-01-0816 Development of a Test Method to Evaluate
both Stiffness and Interaction of
Compatibility Performance
Takashi Hasegawa and Toshiya Kudoh Toyota Motor Corporation
2008-01-1240 Validation of an FE Lower Limb Model
for a Child Pedestrian by Means of
Accident Reconstruction
O. Ito, M. Okamoto and Y. Takahashi
Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center
F. Mori
PSG Co., Ltd.
2008-01-1243 Full-Scale Validation of a Human FE Model
for the Pelvis and Lower Limb of a Pedestrian
Yuji Kikuchi and Yukou Takahashi
Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center
Fumie Mori
PSG Co., Ltd.
2008-01-1244 A Response Surface Based Tool for Evaluating
Vehicle Performance in the Pedestrian Leg
Impact Test
Mark O. Neal, Jian Tu and Donald R. Jones
General Motors
2008-01-1245 Pedestrian Lower Extremity Response and Injury:
A Small Sedan vs. A Large Sport Utility Vehicle
Jason Kerrigan, Damien Subit,
Costin Untaroiu and Jeff CrandaU
University of Virginia Center For Applied Biomechanics
Rodney Rudd
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration