A second danger is the misreading of images, particularLy by those who overestimate their ability to identify deception from a suspect's‘body language'. Audio-visual recording can be a useful, tool, but it must be one part of a broader process of effectively regulating investigative practices.
Interrgating images resents the first empirical study of the routine use of audio-visual recording anywhere in the world, focusing on New South Wales, Australia where such recording has been required for more than a decade. Its introduction is set in a historical, account of disputes and concerns about police questioning of suspects. There is a detailed study of the participants in the interrogation process.Various styes of police interviewing are identified, showing that many assumptions about the nature and purpose of interrogation are inaccurate. A chapter assesses the impact in NSW of investigative interviewing, a questioning style very different from that used in the USA. The penul.timate chapter examines the experiences and perceptions of criminal, justice professionals-judges, defence lawyers,prosecutors, and police.Concludes by pointing to some dangers of misusing audio-visual, recording. If the complete questioning process is not recorded, confessions may be rehearsed and unreliabte A second danger is the misreading of images, particularLy by those who overestimate their ability to identify deception from a suspect's‘body language'. Audio-visual. recording can be a useful, tool, but it must be one part of a broader process of effectively regul.ating investigative practices. informative and thought provoking readingfor lawyers, police investigators, academic researchers, policy-makers,legislators, students and those with an interest in police interrogation and its implications for criminal justice processes.
Chapter 1
Introduction: From verballing to ERISP
Chapter 2
Researching recorded interrogation
Chapter 3
Dramatis personae: police, suspects and others
Chapter 4
The interviewing process
Chapter 5
‘PEACE' and investigative interviewing skills
Chapter 6
Perceptions and experiences of videotaping the questioning of suspects
Chapter 7
Conclusion: the role of audio-visual recording in criminal justice