本书为高级英语(Advanced English)的配套教辅。每课包括 Learning Focus, Global Comprehension, Difficult Language Points, Synonym Discrimination, Style & Appreciation, Key to Exercises, Chinese Version of the Text 等板块,对课文重点、难点进行了细致入微的分析,对修辞知识作了介绍,并提供练习答案与译文,供教学《高级英语》的师生参考。
Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille
Lesson 2 Marrakech
Lesson 3 Pub Talk and the King's English
Lesson 4 Inaugural Address
Lesson 5 Love Is a Fallacy
Lesson 6 Disappearing Through the Skylight
Lesson 7 The Libido for the Ugly
Lesson 8 The Worker as Creator or Machine
Lesson 9 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
Lesson 10 The Sad Young Men
Lesson 11 The Future of the English
Lesson 12 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American
Lesson 13 In Favor of Capital Punishment
Lesson 14 Loving and Hating New York