Astyle that relies upon counterpoint, or the interplay of two or more motifs, the fugue has captivated listenersfor centuries. Assembled by noted organ scholar and performer Rollin Smith, here is a sampling of the world's most magnificent fugues for organ from the genre's most gifted masters. This original collection features a vast repertoire of pieces from the fugue's heyday in the Baroque period, as well as other important eras. An essential compendium for musicians, music students and teachers.
BACH, Johann Sebastian "Little" Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578
BEAUVARLET-CHARPENTIER, Jean-Jacques Fugue in G Minor
BECKWITH, John Christmas Fugue in C Minor
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van Fugue in D Major
BEST, WT. Concert Fugue on a Trumpet Fanfare
BRAHMS, Johannes Chorale Prelude and Fugue on "O Traurigkeit, O Herzeleid"
BRUCKNER, Anton Fugue in D Minor
BUXTEHUDE, Dieterich Fugue in B-flat, Bux 176
CABEZON, Antonio de Fuga a Cuatro
COUPERIN, Francois Fugue on the Reed Stops
Fugue on the Trumpet
DANDRIEU, Jean-Francois Fugue in G Minor
FAURE, Gabriel Fugue in A Minor, Op. 84, No. 3
GLIERE, Reinhold Fugue on a Russian Christmas Carol
GOUNOD, Charles Postlude in Fugal Style on the First Notes of the Creed
"I Believe in One God"
GUILMANT, Alexandre Elegy - Fugue, Op. 44, No. 2
HANDEL, Georg Frideric Fugue in G Minor
HAUPT, August Concert Fugue in C Major
KARG-ELERT, Sigfrid Fughetta on "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now,"
Op. 78, No. 9
KIRNBERGER, Johann Philipp Fugue in D Minor
MARCHAND, Louis Fugue in D Minor
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus Fugue in G Minor, K. 401
PACHELBEL, Johann Fugue in D Major, "The Nightingale"
PARKER, Horatio Fugue in E-flat, Op. 36, No. 3
PIERNE, Gabriel Piece in Fugal Form, Op. 3
REGER, Max Fugue on "America"
SCHUBERT, FRANZ Fugue in E Minor, Op. Post. 152
VIERNE, Louis Fugal Verset on "In exitu IsraEl"
WESLEY, Samuel Fugue in D Major