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书名 | 清廷十三年--马国贤在华回忆录/京华往事 |
分类 | 文学艺术-传记-传记 |
作者 | (意)马国贤 |
出版社 | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 1710年意大利人马国贤来到中国,从此他以天主教会传教士、康熙皇帝宫廷画师的双重身份,在京师度过了十三年。本书即是马国贤神父对其在清廷供职期间以及在中意往返途中所见所闻的回忆录,具有特殊的文献价值,一直被西方大学里的中国课程列为重要参考书。 作者的描写为我们提供了“中国礼仪之争”的第一手资料;同时又以西方入的眼光,展示了清初皇帝的宫廷生活、民俗、地貌等一般吏书所没有的细节。全书行文语气淡然,通俗易懂,既是西方汉学奠基之作,也是普通读者了解清初北京风貌、窥探九重宫禁的独特窗口。 目录 CHAPTER I Early Life -- An Impressive Sermon --Duty of a Confessor --Resolution to enter the Church --Mysterious Vision --Order to proceed to China --Departure for Rome --Sojourn in the Ecclesiastical College 1 CHAPTER II Pilgrimage to Loreto -- Roman Police--Inhospitable Monks--St. Chiara's Heart--Return to Rome--Mission to Capradosso--Vendetta-- Extraordinary Reconciliation 7 CHAPTER III Departure for China--The Pope's farewell Gifts--Scene at Bologna-- Awful Visitation at Brixen--Detention at Cologne--Disguise--Arrival in London--English Women--Drawing Lots for a Saint 13 CHAPTER IV Setting sail for Bengal--Loss of Luggage--Flying-fish--The Christening-- Rigid Observance of the Sabbath--Catching a Shark--Climbing to the Main-top--The Cape of Good Hope--Conversions aboard 21 CHAPTER V The Mouth of the Ganges--Ignorance of a Monk--Recruiting Missionaries--Advice to Authors--Sun-Worshippers--St. Thomas's Prophecy--The Transmigration of Souls--A Woman Exorcised 27 CHAPTER VI t Departure for Manilla--Miraculous Escape--Preaching in earnest-- Cardinal de Tournon's Imprisonment in Macao--His Death--The Population of China-- Order to Paint for the Emperor 32 CHAPTER VII Departure for Peking--The Candle-Hills--Chinese Porters--Navigation of the River Nan-kiang-huo-- Sacrifices--Fishing-Birds 39 CHAPTER VIII Dangers of Medical Practice--Missionary Pride--Foundlings-- Mahomedans 44 CHAPTER IX Introduction to the Emperor--The Ko-tow -- Climate and Clothing-- Abundance of Game--Chinese Stoves--Description of Peking 49 CHAPTER X Oil-Painting--Chinese Delicacies--The New Year--Parental Authority-- Jealousy--Punishment by Proxy--Women's Feet--Visiting-Cards 58 CHAPTER XI Sacrifice to Heaven--Fireworks--The Emperor's Palace near Peking-- Landscape Gardening--Chinese Flattery 64 CHAPTER XII Survey of China, Tartary, and Corea--Order to engrave--Fall from a Horse--Tartar Surgeon--Water Cure 70 CHAPTER XIII The Great Wall--Mountain near Je-hol--Attempts to engrave-- Description of Je-hol--The Emperor's Country Life 75 CHAPTER XIV The Emperor's Retinue- The Little Hunt--Stag-hunting- Tiger-hunting- Wrestling and Archery--Silence in the Camp 81 CHAPTER XV Chinese Letters--Imperial Condescension--The Christians in Danger-- Conversions--Strict Discipline--The Crown Prince deposed--The Emperor's Sixtieth Birth-day 88 CHAPTER XVI Public Rejoicings--Provincial Deputations--Strawberries and Asparagus--The First Pupil--Regard of the Chinese for their Beards-- Russian Priests 94 CHAPTER XVII Dread of the Plague--Death of Father Tilisch--Alarm among the Christians--Firmness of the Emperor--His Avarice--Origin of the Chinese College 100 CHAPTER XVIII Chapels for Women--Chinese Jealousy--Don Pedrini arrested-- Machinations against the School--Lucio--John In withdrawn--His Father's Death--His Return--A Dream 105 o CHAPTER XIX Arrival of the Russian Embassy--Point of EtiqUette--Imperial /. Manifesto--Mutual Concessions 111 CHAPTER XX Reception of Count Ismailof--Court Dinner--Eulogy of the European Missionaries--Presents--The Emperor's Advice to the Czar 117 CHAPTER XXI The Emperor in Bed--Life at Je-hol--A quid pro quo--Hard Living-- Illness of Scipel 125 CHAPTER XXII Death of the Emperor Kang-hy--Funeral Rites--Punishment of two great Mandarins 130 CHAPTER XXIII Exclusion of Europeans from the Imperial Palace--Plotting--Death of the Emperor's Mother--Difficulties--Final resolution to depart 136 CHAPTER XXIV Permission to quit China--Farewell Presents--Departure from Peking-- Cheap Travelling--Variations of Climate--Arrival at Canton--Pecuniary Difficulties-- Supematural Agency--Providential Occurrence 143 CHAPTER XXV Setting Sail for England--Chinese in Trouble--Staying a Storm-- Again--Chinese Modesty--Mr. Edmund Godfrey--A Substitute for the Compass--Anonymous Liberality 149 CHAPTER XXVI Casting Anchor at Deal--Importunity of Boatmen--Rapacity of Custom- House Officers--National Monuments--Liberality of King George I.- Of the East India Company's Directors--Of Mr. Edmund Godfrey-- Sailing for Leghorn 154 CHAPTER XXVII Arrival at Naples--St. January's Blood--Permission to establish the Chinese College--Reception of two Chinese Students 160 CHAPTER XXVIII Examination of two Chinese Students--Their Departure for China--Death of John In--Flight of Lucio U. --His Arrest and Trial--His Evasion and Recapture--Mysterious End 165 CONCLUSION A Visit to the Chinese College at Naples founded by Father Ripa 172 APPENDIX Copper-engravings of the 36 Views of the Imperial Mansion at Je-hol 176 |
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