The need to professionally and successfully conduct computer forensic investigations of incidents and crimes has never been greater. This has caused an increased requirement for information about the creation and management of computer forensic laboratories and the investigations themselves. This includes a great need for information on how to cost-effectively establish and manage a computer forensics laboratory. This book meets that need: a clearly written, non-technical book on the topic of computer forensics with emphasis on the establishment and management of a computer forensics laboratory and its subsequent support to successfully conducting computer-related crime investigations.
Computer crime represents one of the fastest growing types of crime in the country, and the need for computer forensics is growing. From child sexual exploitation to international terrorism to corporate finandal scandals, more and more crimes involve computers directly or indirectly,and investigations must include digital forensics and e-discovery. More and more law enforcement jurisdictions find they need to establisha computer forensic lab to conduct their own investigations as well. As Tech Republic recently reported, "Cybercrime is no longer in its infancy.It is now big business. Organized crime is capitalizing on every opportunity to exploit new technology to perform classic crimes such as fraud and extortion to make money illegally. The threat of cybercrime to businesses continues to increase at a staggering rate."
The need to professionally and successfully conduct computer forensic investigations of incidents and crimes has never been greater. This has caused an increased requirement for information about the creation and management of computer forensic laboratories and the investigations themselves. This includes a great' need for information on how to cost-effectively establish and manage a computer forensics laboratory.This book meets that need: a dearly written, non-technical book on the topic of computer forensics with emphasis on the establishment and management of a computer forensics laboratory and its subsequent support to successfully conduct computer-related crime investigations.
Section Ⅰ Creating a Digital Forensics Laboratory
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Digital Forensics
Chapter 2 Types of Digital Forensic Investigation
Chapter 3 Establishing and Managing a Digital Forensics Laboratory
Chapter 4 Scoping the Requirement for the Laboratory
Chapter 5 Developing the Business Plan.
Chapter 6 Laboratory Location.
Chapter 7 Selecting the Staff
Chapter 8 Education and Training
Chapter 9 Legislation, Regulation, and Standards
Section Ⅱ Digital Forensic Incident and CrimeInvestigation Management
Chapter 10 Responding to Crimes Requiring Digital Forensic Investigation
Chapter 11 Management of the Collection of Evidence
Chapter 12 Management of Evidence Storage
Chapter 13 Quality Assurance
Chapter 14 High Technology Crimes: Case Summaries
Section Ⅲ Overview of the Digital Forensic Investigations Profession and Unit
Chapter 15 Understanding the Role of the Digital Forensic Laboratory Manager
Chapter 16 The Digital Forensics Laboratory: Strategic, Tactical,and Annual Plans
Chapter 17 Networking, Liaison, and Sources of Information
Chapter 18 Computer Forensics Investigation Unit Metrics Management System
Chapter 19 Workload Management and the Outsourcing Option
Chapter 20 Developing a Career in Digital Forensic Management
Chapter 21 A Summary of Thoughts, Issues, and Problems
Section Ⅳ Future Digital Forensic Investigation Challenges
Chapter 22 The Future of Digital Forensics and Its Role in Criminal Investigations
Chapter 23 The Future of Digital Forensics in the Criminal Justice System
Chapter 24 Conclusions and Final Thoughts
Appendix A Digital Forensic Resources
Appendix B Risk Assessment Template