Chapter 1 The Prophets of Paris: Saint-Simon and Comte
Chapter 2 The Last Gentleman: Alexis de Tocqueville
Chapter 3 Nietzsche's Madness
Chapter 4 Do-Gooders, Evolutionists, and Racists
Chapter 5 Dreyfus's Empire: Emile Durkheim
Chapter 6 Max Weber: The Disenchantment of the World
Chapter 7 Sigmund Freud: Conquistador of the Irrational
Chapter 8 The Discovery of the Invisible World: Simmel, Cooley, and Mead
Chapter 9 .The Discovery of the Ordinary World: Thomas, Park, and the Chicago School
Chapter 10 The Emergence of African-American Sociology: Du Bois, Frazier, Drake, and Cayton
Chapter 11 The Construction of the Social System: Pareto and Parsons
Chapter 12 Hitler's Shadow: Michels, Mannheim, and Mills
Chapter 13 Erving Goffman and the Theater of Social Encounters
Chapter 14 Cultural Capital, Revolution, and the World-System: The Theories of Pierre Bourdieu, Theda Skocpol, and Immanuel WaUerstein
Chapter 15 From the Code of the Street to the Social Structure of Right and Wrong: The Sociology of Elijah Anderson and Donald Black