Choosing designs for the yearbook was not an easy undertaking for Urquiola. And her task was made all the more difficult as, For the first time,the book has been produced biennially and her selection had to cover two years, although the emphasis still remains on products from the last twelve months. The pages that follow give Pafricia's personal selection From what she refers to as a pre-selecfion. Governed by a restricted time frame [this year's edition was completed on a very fight schedule] and the pre-qualificafions of what was on offer, she has chosen not only 'the linear' - what we know and what is commercial - but also 'the arbitrary': the wild card, the fresh and the innovative.Above all, she has sought to illustrate some of the themes, influences and researches that have given her pleasure. For any obvious omissions she apologizes: 'I've suffered, capito. Really suffered.'