Lesson 1 The Civil Engineer and Geology
Lesson 2 Earth and Its Structure
Lesson 3 Subsoil and Foundations
Lesson 4 Modern Road
Lesson 5 Pavement of Highway and Airport
Lesson 6 Wind Action and Aerodynamic Stability
Lesson 7 Design Criteria for Tall Buildings
Lesson 8 HOW to Write a Scientific Paper
Lesson 9 Structural Reliability
Lesson 10 Prestressed Concrete
Lesson 11 FIDIC Tendering Procedure
Lesson 12 Civil Engineering
Lesson 13 Processes of Rock Formation and Decomposition
Lesson 14 Geotechnical EngineeringA Historical Perspective
Lesson 15 Ground Water System
Lesson 16 Rock Type
Lesson 17 Development of Rock Engineering
Lesson 18 Rock Mass Classification
Lesson 19 Shear Strength of Discontinuities
Lesson 20 Environmental Geology
Lesson 21 Natural Hazard and Environmental Concerns
Lesson 22 Sewage Disposal
Lesson 23 Earthquake Activity
Lesson 24 Tunnels in Weak Rock
Lesson 25 Large Powerhouse Caverns in Weak Rock
Lesson 26 Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Techniques
附录一 Vocabulary
附录二 土建专业一些常用的网址
附录三 常用的度量衡转换