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书名 | 话语文体学导论--文本分析方法/复旦博学语言学系列 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-语言文字 |
作者 | 曲卫国 |
出版社 | 复旦大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本文将文体分析和文本阐释过程有机结合,使读者在具体、系统分析文体特征的同时,了解制约文本解读的认知因素,从而帮助他们掌握文本分析和解读的基本方法。 本书可作为高校英语专业研究生的文体学教材,也可供相关英语工作者参考。 内容推荐 本文试图突破传统文体学教材的思路和框架,在阐述分析文体学的基本理念和方法时做一些批判性的思考,将文体分析和文本阐释过程有机结合,使读者在具体、系统分析文体特征的同时,了解制约文本解读的认知因素,从而帮助他们掌握文本分析和解读的基本方法。本书还引入了最新的话语分析成果,对一般文体学教科书鲜有涉及的读者定位、互文性、多模态话语等问题进行了深入探讨。就方法论而言,本书强调文体学分析的程序性和可操作性。 本书可作为高校英语专业研究生的文体学教材,也可供相关英语工作者参考。 目录 Preface Preface 1 Part I Basics Chapter One Introduction: Defining the Basics 1.1 Style 1.2 Distinctiveness and foregrounding 1.3 Literariness 1.4 Dualism vs monism 1.5 Style and ideology 1.6 Stylistics Tasks Chapter Two Analytical Procedures 2.1 Replicability 2.2 Basic levels of analysis 2.3 Patterning or regularity 2.4 The use of theories Tasks Part II Poetic Discourse Chapter Three Sound Patterning 3.1 Poetic textual convention 3.2 Sound patterning in the traditional poetic convention 3.3 Analyzing sound patterns : metrics 3.4 Analyzing sound patterns: rhyme scheme 3.5 An alternative approach to the analysis of sound patterning Tasks Chapter Four Sound Symbolism 4.1 Sound and meaning 4.2 Genre-signaling function 4.3 Sound symbolism 4.3.1 Imitative: onomatopoeia 4.3.2 Associative: phonaesthesia Tasks Chapter Five Grammar in Poetry 5.1 Grammar and poetry 5.2 Grammatical theories and stylistic analysis of poetry 5.3 Poetic use of grammar 5.3.1 Word level 5.3.2 Syntactic level 5.3.3 Grammatical relations 5.3.4 Parallelism Tasks Chapter Six Meaning in Poetry 6.1 Meaning in poetry 6.2 Figurative language 6.3 Analyzing common figures of speech 6.4 Linguistic analysis of the meaning of a poem 6.4.1 Semantic relatedness 6.4.2 Speech act Tasks Part III Prose Discourse Chapter Seven point of View 7.1 Point of view: perspectual or conceptual 7.2 Point of view and perceptual salience 7.2.1 Kuno's empathy hypothesis 7.2.2 van Dijk's normal ordenn hypothesis 7.2.3 Simpson's four categories 7.3 Point of view and conceptual salience Tasks Chapter Eight Point of View in Narrative Discourse 8.1 Point of view and narration 8.2 First person point of view 8.3 Third person point of view 8.4 Shifting points of view 8.5 Friedman's classification Tasks Chapter Nine Reader P0sitioningandReadingP0s!tions 9.1 Hypotheses on reading positions and positioning the reader 9.2 Hall's theory on reading positions 9.3 Reader positioning Tasks Chapter Ten Reader Positioning Strategies: Lexical and Syntactic Signaling 10.1 Lexical signaling: semantic fields and collocation 10.2 Analyzing lexical signalling 10.3 Syntactic signaling: transitivity analysis 10.4 Analyzing syntactic signaling Tasks ChapterElevenIntertextu litya 11.1 Hypotheses on intertextuality 11.2 Insertion: speech presentation 11.2.1 Ways of presenting speech 11.2.2 A case study 11.2.3 Ways of source presentation 11.3 Assimilation Tasks Chapter Twelve Multi-modality and Reader Positioning 12.1 Text and multi-moda|ity 12.2 Theories on multi-modality 12.2.1 The fallacy the camera does not lie 12.2.2 Roland Barthes' anchorage theory 12.2.3 Kress and van Leeuwen's image grammar 12.3 Analyzing multi-modal texts Tasks References |
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