This book is mainly about foundation of information theory and the coding theory. Also, some practical applications of these theories are mentioned in some occasions. On the basis of introducing the measure of information, it mainly focuses on the introduction of the theory of lossless source coding, limited loss source coding, channel coding and their applications. It pays attention to basic concepts and uses popular text to explain them. In the background of the current communication system, it includes many examples and figures to elaborate these concepts and theorems. At the same time, it does its best to avoid getting entangled in proving the equations. To deepen the understanding to the knowledge it touches upon, there are some exercises attached at the end of every chapter.
This book can be used as the teaching material for college students, and also, it can be the reference for career man in the area of communication, telecommunication and electronic.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Before it starts, there is something must be known
1.1 What is Information
1.2 What's Information Theory?
1.2.1 Origin and Development of Information Theory
1.2.2 The application and achievement of Information Theory methods
1.3 Formation and Development of Information Theory
Questions and Exercises
Biography of Claude Elwood Shannon
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of Information Theory
Preparation knowledge
2.1 Self-information and conditional self-information
2.1.1 Self-Information
2.1.2 Conditional Self-Information
2.2 Mutual information and conditional mutual information
2.3 Source entropy
2.3.1 Introduction of entropy
2.3.2 Mathematics description of source entropy
2.3.3 Conditional entropy
2.3.4 Union entropy (Communal entropy)
2.3.5 Basic nature and theorem of source entropy
2.4 Average mutual information
2.4.1 Definition
2.4.2 Physics significance of average mutual information
2.4.3 Properties of average mutual information
2.5 Continuous source
2.5.1 Entropy of the continuous source (also called differential entropy)
2.5.2 Mutual information of the continuous random variable
Questions and Exercises
Additional reading materials
Chapter 3 Discrete Source Information
3.1 Mathematical model and classification of the source
3.2 The discrete source without memory
3.3 Multi-marks discrete steady source
3.4 Source entropy of discrete steady source and limit entropy
3.5 The source redundancy and the information difference
3.6 Markov information source
Chapter 4 Channel and Channel Capacity
4.1 The model and classification of the channel
4.1.1 Channel Models
4.1.2 Channel classifications
4.2 Channel doubt degree and average mutual information
4.2.1 Channel doubt degree
4.2.2 Average mutual information
4.2.3 Properties of mutual information function
4.2.4 Relationship between entropy, channel doubt degree and mutual information
4.3 The discrete channel without memory and its channel capacity
4.4 Channel capacity
4.4.1 Concept of channel capacity
4.4.2 Discrete channel without memory and its channel capacity
4.4.3 Continuous channel and its channel capacity
Chapter 5 kossless source coding
5.1 Lossless coder
5.2 Lossless source coding
5.2.1 Fixed length coding theorem
5.2.2 Unfixed length source coding
5.3 Lossless source coding theorems
5.3.1 Classification of code and main coding method
5.3.2 Kraft theorem
5.3.3 Lossless unfixed source coding theorem (Shannon First theorem)
5.4 Pragmatic examples of lossless source coding
5.4.1 Huffman coding
5.4.2 Shannon coding and Fano coding
5.5 The Lempel-ziv algorithm
5.6 Run-Length Encoding and the PCX format
Questions and Exercises
Chapter 6 Limited distortion source coding
6.1 The start point of limit distortion theory
6.2 Distortion measurement
6.2.1 Distortion function
6.2.2 Average distortion
6.3 Information rate distortion function
6.4 Property of R(D)
6.4.1 Minimum of D and R(D)
6.4.2 Dmax and R(Dmax)
6.4.3 The under convex function of R(D)
6.4.4 The decreasing function of R(D)
6.4.5 R(D) is a continuous function of D
6.5 Calculation of R(D)
6.5.1 Calculation of R(D) of binary symmetric source
6.5.2 Calculation of R(D) of Gauss source
6.6 Limited distortion source encoding theorem
Additional material for this chapter
Questions and exercises
Chapter 7 Channel Coding Theory
7.1 Channel coding theorem for noisy channel
7.2 Introduction: the generator and parity-check matrices
7.3 Syndrome decoding on q-ary symmetric channels
7.4 Hamming geometry and code performance
7.5 Hamming codes
7.6 Cyclic code
7.7 Syndrome decoding on general q-ary channels
Questions and exercises