This volume presents the major works of five poets George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Andrew Marvell, Henri, Vaughan, and Thomas Traherne. While most of the selections are religious poetD', the important secular verse of Man,ell and Crashaw is also included. Eighty poems by Herbert have been selected from The Temple, and two early poems from lsaak Walton's Lives are also included. Crashaw is represented by sixteen poems from Steps to The Temple, Delights of the Muses, and Carmen Deo Nostro: Man,ell by eighteen selections from Miscellaneous Poems; Vaughan by forty-five poems from Silex Scintillans, Parts 1 and II; and Traherne by Twelve poems from the Dobell Folio, The Third Century, and the Burney Manuscript.
This volume presents the major works of five poets George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Andrew Marvell, Henri, Vaughan, and Thomas Traherne. While most of the selections are religious poetD', the important secular verse of Man,ell and Crashaw is also included. Eighty poems by Herbert have been selected from The Temple, and two early poems from lsaak Walton's Lives are also included. Crashaw is represented by sixteen poems from Steps to The Temple, Delights of the Muses, and Carmen Deo Nostro: Man,ell by eighteen selections from Miscellaneous Poems; Vaughan by forty-five poems from Silex Scintillans, Parts 1 and II; and Traherne by Twelve poems from the Dobell Folio, The Third Century, and the Burney Manuscript.
All of the texts have been freshly edited, and spelling has been modernized. "Textual Notes" specifies the procedures followed and gives the reasons for certain new readings. The poems are copiously annotated in order to clarify unfamiliar allusions and images. The Annotated Bibliography covers historical and cultural background, the lives and works of the individual poets, and several important areas of religion especially relevant to the poems.
A broad range of critical viewpoints is represented in essays by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Aldous Huxley, W. H. Auden, T. S. Eliot, Anthony Low, L. C. Knights, E. B. Greenwood, Joseph H. Summers, Douglas Bush, Helen C. White, Austin Warren, Richard Strier, Frank Kermode, William Empson, M. C. Bradbrook, M. G. Lloyd Thomas, Edward S. LeComte, Karina Williamson, Dennis Davison, Robert Ellrodt, E. C. Pettet, S. Sandbank, Arthur Clements, H. M. Margooliouth, and Stanley Stewart.