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This Norton Critical Edition offers extensive apparatus to enable readers to fully appreciate Keats's poetry and legacy, including an introduction, a note on the texts, headnotes, expanatorv annotations, and contextual documents.


This Norton Critical Edition seeks to return John Keats--one the most beloved poets in the English language--to his cultural moment by tracing his emergence as a public poet. For this rea son, Keats's Poetry and Prose presents the poems Keats publishe in his lifetime as they entered into print. Readers can trace the poems through Keats's engaging and insightful letters, reviews and related materials--chronologically interleaved with the texts--with the unpublished poems arranged bv date of composition to provide the context for his public work. Jeffrey Cox has edited Keats's poems from their first print versions (with careful attention to the manuscript tradition behind these printings) so that readers can see how his poetry entered into public life. This Norton Critical Edition offers extensive apparatus to enable readers to fully appreciate Keats's poetry and legacy, including an introduction, a note on the texts, headnotes, expanatorv annotations, and contextual documents.

"Criticism" collects twelve major commentaries on Keats ant his poetry by Paul de Man, Marjorie Levinson, Grant F. Scott Margaret Homans, Nicholas Roe, Stuart Sperry, Neil Fraistatl Jack Stillinger, James Chandler, Alan Bewell, Andrew Bennettl and Jeffrey N. Cox.

A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.



A Note on the Text



The Texts of Keats's Poetry and Prose


 On Peace

 Lines Written on 29 May, the Anniversary of Charles's Restoration,

 on Hearing the Bells Ringing

 [Fill for me a brimming bowl]

 Sonnet [As from the darkening gloom a silver dove]

 Sonnet. To Lord Byron

 Sonnet. To Chatterton.

 Ode to Apollo.

 [Give me women, wine and snuff]

 Sonnet [Oh! how I love, on a fair summer's eve]

 Letter to C. C. Clarke, October 9, 1816

 George Felton Mathew·To A Poetical Friend

 Leigh Hunt·Young Poets

 Sonnet. Written in disgust of vulgar superstition

 Sonnet. ]After dark vapors have oppress'd our plains]

 POEMS (1817)

 Dedication. To Leigh Hunt, Esq.

 Poems: [I stood tip-toe upon a little hill]

 Specimen of an Induction to a Poem.

 Calidore. A Fragment.

 To Some Ladies.

 On receiving a curious Shell, and a Copy of Verses,

 from the same Ladies.

 To **** [Hadst thou liv'd in days of old]

 To Hope.

 Imitation of Spenser.

 [Woman! when I behold thee flippant, vain]

 Epistles: To George Felton Mathew.

 To My Brother George.

 To Charles Cowden Clarke.

 Sonnets: I.To My Brother George.

 II.To ****** [Had I a man's fair form,

 then might my sighs]

 III.Written on the day that Mr. Leigh

 Hunt left Prison.

 IV.[How many bards gild the lapses of time]

 V.To a Friend who sent me some Roses.

 VI.To G.A.W.

 VII.[O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell]

 VIII.To My Brothers.

 IX.[Keen, fitful gusts are whisp'ring here and there]

 X.[To one who has been long in city pent]

 XI.On first looking into Chapman's Homer.

 XII.On leaving some Friends at an early Hour.

 XIII.Addressed to Haydon.

 XIV.Addressed to the Same.

 XV.On the Grasshopper and Cricket.

 XVI.To Kosciusko.

 XVII.[Happy is England! I could be content]

 Sleep and Poetry.


 To a Young Lady Who Sent Me a Laurel Crown.

 On Receiving a Laurel Crown from Leigh Hunt

 To the Ladies Who Saw Me Crowned

 Ode to Apollo [God of the golden bow]

 Written on a Blank Space at the End of Chaucer's Tale of

 "The Floure and the Leafe." [This pleasant Tale is like a little Copse]

 To Haydon with a Sonnet Written on Seeing the Elgin Marbles

 On Seeing the Elgin Marbles

 John Hamilton Reynolds·Champion Review of Poems

 On a Picture of Leander. [On a Leander which Miss Reynolds

 my kind friend gave me]

 On Leigh Hunt's Poem, The "Story of Rimini."

 Letter toJ. H. Reynolds, April 17, 18, 1817

 Sonnet. On the Sea.

 Lines. [Unfelt, unheard, unseen]

 [You say you love; but with a voice]

 Letter to Leigh Hunt, May 10, 1817

 Letter to B. R. Haydon, May 10, 11, 1817

 Letter to J. H. Reynolds, September 21, 1817

 Leigh Hunt·To the Grasshopper and the Cricket

 Josiah Conder·Review of Poems

 Anonymous·Review in Edinburgh Magazine, and Literary

 Miscellany, October 1817

 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, October 8, 1817

 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, November 3, 1817

 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, November 22, 1817

 [Before he went to feed with owls and bats]

 Stanzas. fin drear-nighted December]

 Mr. Kean

 Letter to George and Tom Keats, December 21,279, 1817

 Letter to George and Tom Keats, January 5, 1818

 Lines on Seeing a Lock of Milton's Hair.

 Sonnet. On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again.

 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, January 23, 1818

 Letter to George and Tom Keats, January 23, 24, 1818

 [When I have fears that I may cease to be]

 Song. [O blush not so! O blush not so!]

 [Hence Burgundy, Claret, and Port]

 [God of the Meridian]

 Letter to J. H. Reynolds, February 3, 1818

 Fragment. [Welcome joy, and welcome sorrow]

 Sonnet. [Life's sea hath been five times at its slow ebb]

 Sonnet.To the Nile.

 [Spenser, a jealous honorer of thine]

 Answer to a Sonnet Ending Thus:--[Blue!--'Tis the life

 of heaven,-- the domain]

 Letter to J. H. Reynolds, February 19, 1818

 [O thou whose face hath felt the Winter's wind]

 Letter to John Taylor, February 27, 1818

 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, March 13, 1818

 The Human Seasons. [Four seasons fill the measure of the year]

 [Where be ye going, you Devon maid]

 [Dear Reynolds, as last night I lay in bed]

 Letter to B. R. Haydon, April 8, 1818

 Letter to J. H. Reynolds, April 9, 1818

 ToJ. B.

 Letter to John Taylor, April 24, 1818

ENDYMION ( 1818)



 [Mother of Hermes! and still youthful Maia!]

 To Homer.

 Letter toJ. H. Reynolds, May 3, 1818

 John Hamilton Reynolds?·Review of Endymion

 Anonymous·British Critic Review of Endymion

 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, June 10, 1818

 Letter to Tom Keats, June 25-27, 1818

 [Give me your patience, sister, while I frame]

 On Visiting the Tomb of Burns.

 Meg Merrilies. A Ballad, written for the amusement of

 his young sister

 Letter to Tom Keats, July 3, 5, 7, 9, 1818

 Sonnet to Ailsa Rock

 Sonnet. [This mortal body of a thousand days]

 The Gadfly fAll gentle folks who owe a grudge]

 [Of late two dainties were before me placed]

 Lines Written in the Scotch Highlands. [There is a charm in

 footing slow across a silent plain]

 Letter to Benjamin Bailey, July 18, 22, 1818

[Not Aladdin magian]

Sonnet, Written on the Summit of Ben Nevis [Read me a lesson,

 Muse, and speak it loud]

Stanzas on Some Skulls in BeauleyAbbey, Inverness.

"Z."·Review of Endymion in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

John Wilson Croker·Review of Endymion in Quarterly Review

[Nature withheld Cassandra in the skies]

Letter to C. W. Dilke, September 20, 21, 1818

Modern Love. [And what is love?--It is a doll dress'd up]

"J.S."·Letter [Responding to the Quarterly Review's

 Attack on Keats]

John Hamilton Reynolds·Review of Endymion

Letter to J. A. Hessey, October 8, 1818

From Letter to George and Georgiana Keats, October 14, 16,

 21, 24, 31, 1818

Letter to Richard Woodhouse, October 27, 1818

Fragment. [Where's the Poet? Show him! show him!]

Song. [1 had a dove, and the sweet dove died]

Song [Hush, hush, tread softly! hush, hush, my dear]

From Letter to George and Georgiana Keats, December 16-18,

 22,297, 31, 1818, January 2-4, 1819

The Eve of Saint Mark.

From Letter to George and Georgiana Keats, February 14, 19,

 March 37, 12, 13, 17, 19, April 15, 16, 21, 30, May 3, 1819

Letter to B. R. Haydon, March 8, 1819

[Why did I laugh to-night? No voice will tell]

Ode on Indolence.

A Dream, After Reading Dante's Episode of Paulo and Francesca

Sonnet. [Bright star! would I were steadfast as thou art!]

La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Song of Four Fairies

Sonnet.To Sleep.

On Fame [Fame, like a wayward girl, will still be coy]

On Fame [How fever'd is the man, who cannot look]

[If by dull rhymes our English must be chain'd]

Letter to Mary-Ann Jeffery, June 9, 1819

Letter to Fanny Brawne, July 1, 1819

Letter to Fanny Brawne, July 8, 1819

Letter to Fanny Brawne, July 157, 1819

Letter to Fanny Brawne, July 25, 1819

Letter to Benjamin Bailey, August 14, 1819

Richard Woodhouse·From Letter to John Taylor,

September 19, 20, 1819

[Pensive they sit, and roll their languid eyes]

Letter to J. H. Reynolds, September 21, 1819

Letter to C. W. Dilke, September 22, 1819

From Letter to George and Georgiana Keats,

September 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 1819

Letter to Fanny Brawne, October 13, 1819

Letter to John Taylor, November 17, 1819

Sonnet. [The day is gone, and all its sweets are gone!]

 To. [What can I do to drive away]

 To Fanny.

 [This living hand, now warm and capable]

 The Cap and Bells; or, The Jealousies. A Fa·ry Tale. Unfinished.

 [The Jealousies: A Faery Tale, by Lucy Vaughan Lloyd of China

 Walk, Lambeth]

 [In after time, a sage of mickle lore]

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, February? 1820

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, February 277, 1820

 Letter to J. H. Reynolds, February 28, 1820

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, March? 1820

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, May? 1820

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, June? 1820

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, June? 1820


 POEMS (1820)


 Isabella; or, the Pot of Basil. A Story from Boccaccio.

 The Eve of St. Agnes.

 Ode to a Nightingale.

 Ode on a Grecian Urn.

 Ode to Psyche.


 Ode. [Bards of Passion and of Mirth]

 Lines on the Mermaid Tavern.

 Robin Hood.

 To Autumn.

 Ode on MeLancholy.

 Hyperion. A Fragment.


 The Fall of Hyperion·A Dream

 Leigh Hunt [with Keats]·A Now, Descriptive of a Hot Day

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, July 57, 1820

 Charles Lamb·Review of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes

 and Other Poems.

 Percy Bysshe Shelley * Letter to Keats, July 27, 1820

 Letter to Fanny Brawne, August? 1820

 Leigh Hunt·Review of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes

 and Other Poems

 Letter to Leigh Hunt, August 137, 1820

 Leigh Hunt·Letter to Keats, August 13, 1820

 Letter to Percy Bysshe Shelley, August 16, 1820

 Josiah Conder·Review of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of

 St. Agnes and Other Poems

 Leigh Hunt·Farewell to Keats

 Letter to Charles Brown, September 30, 1820

 Letter to Mrs. Brawne, October 24, 1820

 Letter to Charles Brown, November 1, 2, 1820

 Letter to Charles Brown, November 30, 1820


 Paul de Man·[The Negative Path]

 Marjorie Levinson·Keats's Life of Allegory: The Origins

 of a Style

 Grant E Scott·Keats in His Letters

 Margaret Humans·Keats Reading Women, Women

 Reading Keats

 Nicholas Roe·Lisping Sedition: Poems, Endymion, and the

 Poetics of Dissent

 Stuart Sperry·The Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds

 Nell Fraistat·"Lamia" Progressing: Keats's 1820 Volume

 Jack Stillinger·The Hoodwinking of Madeline: Skepticism

 in The Eve of St. Agnes

 Jeffrey N. Cox·Cockney Classicism: History with


 James Chandler·An "1819 Temper": Keats and the

 History of Psyche

 Alan Bewell·"To Autumn" and the Curing of Space

 Andrew Bennett·The "Hyperion" Poems

 John Keats: A Chronology

Selected Bibliography






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