This book is of interest to rural development teachers,facilitators, students,researchers and practitioners. It is also of interest to education managers and policy makers engaged in (higher education) reform processes. Researchers and evaluators interested in tracer studies could use the book as a reference and source of inspiration.
1. Launching the initiative
Integrating community-based natural resource management
into Chinese higher education
Rejuvenating higher education in China
The CBNRM mainstreaming strategy
Design of the tracer study
2. A brighter sky. individual changes
Current employment status of CBNRM graduates
Influence on individual, professional and personal
Summing up
3.Broadening the horizon, organizational, community-level
and policy changes
Teamwork becomes more popular
Human resource development
Program management
Network building
Passing the torch to other organizations
Contribution to community development
Influencing policy
Summing up
4. Becoming stars, selected histories from CBNRM mainstreaming
participants with Dong Hairong , fin Yue , Kuang Zongren ,
Lu Jingfang , Na Kunpeng , Chen Keke , Fan Junliang , Fan
Yutao , Qi Gubo , and Yang Huan
2 Into a new orbit:changing China's higher education system-in person
Experimenting with the life stories method
Passing the torch: the advantage of an enabling
environment -- Dong Hairong's story
Give me a chance and I will reach the stars: social change
and the new generation -- Jin Yue's story
Opening the road: the effects of good pioneering practice
-- the stories of Kuang Zongren, and Lu Jingfang
From bookworm to practitioner: learning from the
field--Na Kunpeng's story
Learning by doing: lightening the way to professional
development -- the stories of Chen Keke,and Fan
The magic of teamwork and social learning--Fan Yutao's
Changing my life's orbit: the power of networking
-- the stories of Qi Gubo,and Yang Huan
5. New constellations: conclusions
Tracing professional and personal impact
Right time, right place, right team
Learning by doing: reflections on the tracer study method
Appendix 1: Questionnaire for the tracer study
Appendix 2 : Checklist for individual interviews
Notes on author and contributors