C.S.LEWIS's classic Narnia books have long been cherished by millions of readers around the world for their wonderful portrayal of a magical and unfamiliar world.Ever since the books were first published in the early 1950s,readers have been eager to know more about this fascinating land,and while several books have been written on C.S.Lewis himself,and his many adult works,there is nothing to compare with this new and beautiful volume about Narnia.
C.S.LEWIS's classic Narnia books have long been cherished by millions of readers around the world for their wonderful portrayal of a magical and unfamiliar world.Ever since the books were first published in the early 1950s,readers have been eager to know more about this fascinating land,and while several books have been written on C.S.Lewis himself,and his many adult works,there is nothing to compare with this new and beautiful volume about Narnia.
Inside,you can discover where C.S.Lewis's ideas came from,and what he was like both as a small boy and as he grew up.You can read too about the founding of Narnia itself,its quirky time-keeping,its adjoining countries and their customs,its unusual creatures,and even how to make some of the delicious food that is so lovingly described.
In addition,the book is graced with photographs of C.S.Lewis's early life and homes,and with many of the original illustrations from The Chronicles,now in colour.Pauline Baynes's immaculate eye for detail and her clever use of the artist's palette have rendered her already excellent drawings into something outstanding.
Together Brian Sibley,the well-known broadcaster and critic,and Alison Sage,writer,and compiler of the much-acclaimed Hutchinson's Treasury of Children's Literature,have painstakingly researched and presented a vital new addition to the Chronicles of Narnia which lovers of that world and its inhabitants should not be without.
Part Ⅰ: C.S.Lewis
1.The Early Years
2.Surprised by Joy
Part Ⅱ: A Glimpse into the Chronicles Seven Chronicles-One Story
Part Ⅲ: Exploring the Land of Narnia
3.The Story of Narnia
4.The People of Narnia
5.The Adjoining Countries
6.The Food of Narnia
7.Illustrating Narnia and its Creatures
Part IV: After Narnia
8.The Hidden Story