‘Tom sits down on the sand beside me and I see a tiny vein pulsing in his neck. Only months ago I'dhave longed to kiss it. Now I feel nothing. Below us waves hiss incessantly onto the sand. "We need to talk," I say.'
Shattered by a recent bereavement, Minna and husband Tom retreat to an isolated village on the Dorset coast.Walking on the beach one day, they unearth a human skeleton. The remains are soon identified as those of a black American GI who, it seems, drowned during a wartime exercise sixty years before.
Minna befriends a melancholy elderly woman, Felix,who lived in the village during the war. As Minna coaxes Felix's story from her, it becomes clear that the old woman knows more about the dead GI than she initially let on.
Playing with the Moon is an unforgettable novel about memory and loss, and the need to reconcile ourselves to our past in order to live with the present.