Chicago's vast culinary landscape and unique architectural spaces have integrated themselves to regenerate the energy of the city. The restaurants in this selection respond moderately to their locations with a high degree of architectural integrity and distinctive theme districts. For decades the city has grown up on a steady diet of great architecture from such visionaries as Mies van der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Chicago with its high architectural integnty has been successful in integrating exquisite cuisine and unique restaurant spaces. In the city's distinctive theme districts Cool Restaurants Chicago has located 24 of the hippest restaurants, bars and lounges that adapt to Chicago's historical cultural architecture and at the same time respond to the present culture. This guide includes over 130 color photos as well as a selection of exclusive recipes ffom notable chefs.
In Chicago verbinden sich erfolgreich exquisite Kuche und einzigartige Locations mit der architektonischen Einheit der Stadt. Cool Restaurants Chicago stellt 24 der angosagtesten Restaurants,Bars und Lounges vet, die sich in die kulturgeschichtlich bedeutsame Architektur .der charakteristischen Stadtviertel einfLigen und auBerdem aktuelle kulturelle Trends widerspiegeln. Mit mehr als 130 Farbfotos und einer Auswahl exklusiver Chef-Rezepte.
Une cuisine de haut niveau et des espaces de restauration uniques ont treuve avec succes leur place bans I'integrite architecturala de Chicago.Cool Restaurants Chicago a repere dens les quartiers caractedstiques 24 des restaurants, bars et lounges les plus en vogue, qui se sont integres clans I'architecture histonco-culturelle de Chicago et qui en rneme temps correspondent a la culture actuelle. Ce guide contient, outre plus de 130 photographies, un choix de recettes uniques donrees par des chefs cuisiniers de renom.
En el Chicago de una arcluitacture compacta se ha conseguido unit la cocina exquisita y los emplazamientos excepcionales. Cool Restaurants Chicago ha distinguido en los inconfundibles barrios 24 de los restaurantes, bares y lounges de mode que se adaptan a la arquitectura histbnco-culturel de la ciudad y, al mismo tiempo, corresponden a la cultufa actual. Esta gula contiene, junto a nas de 130 fotos en color, una seteccion de recetas exckJsivas de los chef de cocina de prestiio.
Chicago, metropoli dell'accentuata integrta archi tettenica, d riuscita a conciliare un'eccellente cucina e dstoranti degli ambienti singolari. Cool Restaurants Chicago ha individuato nei caratteristici quartied della citta 24 fra ristoranti, osterie e lecali lounge pie alia mode che venno ad integrarsi barfettamente nell'architettura stdeca e specchio culturale di Chicago e che dspondono, allo stesso tempo, alia cultura contemporanea. Questa guida contiene oitre 130 fotografie a colori e propone una selezione di ricette esclusive di insigni chef.
Care des Architectes & Le Bar at the Sofitel
de cero
Follia Restaurant
Kevin Restaurant
Le Colonial
NgNE / Ghost Bar
NoMI at the Park Hyatt
one sixtyblue
Sound Bar
SushiSamba rio
Sushi Wabi
Tizi Melloul
Zest Restaurant