The repositories of human wisdom and experience through the ages, libraries are one of our most valuable cultural resources. This stimulating volume showcases some of the most interesting library design trends and developments from around the world. Covering both public and private libraries, as well as bookstores, you'll see a wide variety of ways to arrange and store books. Also included are descriptions and recommendations for the finest library fittings and furnishings available plus a directory of resources and suppliers. What factors distinguish a truly great library? Browse this valuable reference to find out for yourself...
Private Libraries
The Library of Mr and Mrs Steve Fossett
Scholar's Library
Library on Cork Street
The Stud Skeleton Library
Rustic Canyon Residence
Craven Road Studio
Wohnturm Kilchberg
Library Hotel
Penthouse Apartment, Chiswick Green Studios
Bradfield Library Portfolio
Public Libraries
Writers Guild Foundation Library
Library of the School of Art
City of Sydney Library, Customs House
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Wellcome Library
Richard Avedon Foundation
San Antonio Central Library
Bibliotheque Edouard Fleuret
Seattle Central Library
Centre des Archives d'Outre-mer
Grande Bibliotheque du Quebec
Central Library of Law
Robertson Davies Library
Idea Store Crisp Street
The Morgan Library& Museum
Paschen Bibliotheken
Furnishing ofa Cyber Lounge
Ligne Roset
Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli
teNeues Store Munich
Cook and Book
L' Archivolto Bookshop
Photo credits