This collection of essays is intended as both a critical companion to The Literatures of Colonial America as well as a broad introduction to the field of early American and comparative colonial studies. Essays are keyed to texts in our anthology, but also refer to works we did not or could not include, and which can be found in other anthologies of this period, and in the growing digital archives and electronic resources of primary documents in the field. The essays discuss major issues shaping the field today, and help contextualize early texts by situating them in relation to broader historical and cultural movements and moments, such as theories of colonialism, imperial projects,the dynamics of diaspora, hybridity, and nation formation, specific literary contexts,and a variety of critical approaches...
Consisting of more than 30 original essays by leading scholars in the field, this Companion provides a broad introduction to Colonial American literatures. The volume situates texts in their various historical and cultural contexts, including colonialism, imperialism, diaspora, and nation formation. In particular,it brings out the comparative, hemispheric,and transatlantic nature of the writing of this period, and highlights the interactions between non-scribal native groups and Europeans that helped to shape early American writing.
The Companion is divided into four main sections: the opening section on issues and methods covers a wide range of approaches to defining and reading early American writing;the second section, entitled "New World Encounters," considers the interactions between cultural groups during the early centuries of exploration; the third section on identities looks at the development of regional spheres of influence in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; while the final section considers major genres and writers of the period in a series of "Cross-Cultural Conversations."
List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
Ivy Schweitzer and Susan Castillo
Part I Issues and Methods
1 Prologomenal Thinking: Some Possibilities and Limits of
Comparative Desire
Teresa A. Toulouse
2 First Peoples: An Introduction to Early Native American Studies
Joanna Brooks
3 Toward a Cultural Geography of Colonial American Literatures:
Empire, Location, Creolization
Ralph Bauer
4 Textual Investments: Economics and Colonial American Literatures
Michelle Burnham
5 The Culture of Colonial America: Theology and Aesthetics
Paul Giles6 Teaching the Text of Early American Literature
Michael P Clark
6 Teaching the Text of Early American Literature
Micbael P.Clark
7 Teaching with the New Technology: Three Intriguing Opportunities
Edward J. Gallagher
Part II New World Encounters
8 Recovering Precolonial American Literary History:
"The Origin of Stories" and the Popol Vuh
Timothy B. Powell
9 Toltec Mirrors: Europeans and Native Americans in Each Other's Eyes
Renee Bergland
10 Reading for Indian Resistance
Bethany Ridgway Schneider
11 Refocusing New Spain and Spanish Colonization: Malinche,
Guadalupe, and Sor Juana
Electa Arenal and Yolanda Martfnez-San Miguel
12 British Colonial Expansion Westwards: Ireland and America
Andrew Hadfield
13 The French Relation and Its "Hidden" Colonial History
Sara E. Melzer
14 Visions of the Other in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century
Writing on Brazil
Elena Losada Soler
15 New World Ethnography, the Caribbean, and Behn's Oroonoko
Derek Hughes
Part III Negotiating Identities
16 Gendered Voices from Lima and Mexico: Clarinda,
Amarilis, and Sor Juana
Raquel Chang-Rodriguez
17 Cleansing Mexican Antiquity: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
and the loa to The Divine Narcissus
Viviana Diaz Balsera
18 Hemispheric Americanism: Latin American Exiles and
US Revolutionary Writings
Rodrigo Lazo
19 Putting Together the Pieces: Notes on the Eighteenth-
Century Literary Imagination
Douglas Anderson
20 The Transoceanic Emergence of American "Postcolonial" Identities
Gesa Mackenthun
Part IV Genres and Writers: Cross-Cultural Conversations
21 The Genres of Exploration and Conquest Literatures
E. Thomson Shields, Jr.
22 The Conversion Narrative in Early America
Lisa M. Gordis
23 Indigenous Literacies: New England and New Spain
Hilary E. Wyss
24 America's First Mass Media: Preaching and the
Protestant Sermon Tradition
Gregory S. Jackson
25 Neither Here Nor There: Transatlantic Epistolarity
in Early America
Phillip H. Round
26 True Relations and Critical Fictions: The Case of the
Personal Narrative in Colonial American Literatures
Kathleen Donegan
27 "Cross-Cultural Conversations": The Captivity Narrative
Lisa M. Logan
28 Epic, Creoles, and Nation in Spanish America
Jose Antonio Mazzotti
29 Plainness and Paradox: Colonial Tensions in the Early New
England Religious Lyric
Amy M. E. Morris
30 Captivating Animals: Science and Spectacle in Early
American Natural Histories
Katbryn Napier Gray
31 Challenging Conventional Historiography: The Roaming
'T'/Eye in Early Colonial American Eyewitness Accounts
Jerry M. Williams
32 Republican Theatricality and Transatlantic Empire
Elizabeth Maddock Dillon
33 Reading Early American Fiction
Win fried Fluck