The Lucent Books Crime Scene Investigations series explores the variety of ways crimes are solved. Titles cover particular crimes such as murder, specific cases such as the killing of three civil rights workers in Mississippi, or the role specialists such as medical examiners play in solving crimes.Each title in the series demonstrates the ways a crime may be solved, from the various applications of forensic science and technology to the reasoning of investigators. Sidebars examine both the limits and possibilities of the new technologies and present crime statistics, career information, and step-by-step explanations of scientific and legal processes.
Crime solving is painstaking, but modern methods and technological advances have significantly changed the field of criminal investigation. Clues to crimes both spectacular and ordinary can now be found in the tiniest bits of evidence thanks to cutting-edge forensic techniques. Crime Scene Investigations examines the fascinating world of the criminal investigator and other professionals who are on the front line of solving today's (and some of yesterday's) most notorious crimes. All books feature crime statistics, career information, explanations of crime-solving techniques, and crime-busting facts. In addition, bibliographies for further research,full-color photographs, charts, and a detailed index are also included.
O.J. and Nicole: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter One
Murder on Bundy Drive
Chapter Two
The Investigation
Chapter Three
Examining the Evidence
Chapter Four
The Trial of the Century
Chapter Five
Verdict and Repercussions
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